United States
Linux x86_64
Software information

Apache Apache

tcp/443 tcp/80

nginx nginx


  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3306
    First seen 2024-04-24 10:50
    Last seen 2024-09-27 20:01
    Open for 156 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd2518b7c5532cfc1bff88f3c733c6062ad023f63db409ca1b

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302503104, size: 73.6 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table beta.access with 0 records
      Found table beta.accesslog with 7623 records
      Found table beta.actions with 15 records
      Found table beta.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table beta.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_clicks with 32 records
      Found table beta.ad_hosts with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_image with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_owners with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_permissions with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table beta.ad_statistics with 7648 records
      Found table beta.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.apachesolr_search_node with 38 records
      Found table beta.authmap with 0 records
      Found table beta.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table beta.autologout with 0 records
      Found table beta.batch with 0 records
      Found table beta.blocks with 68 records
      Found table beta.blocks_roles with 52 records
      Found table beta.boxes with 11 records
      Found table beta.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table beta.cache with 7 records
      Found table beta.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table beta.cache_content with 486 records
      Found table beta.cache_filter with 45 records
      Found table beta.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table beta.cache_menu with 481 records
      Found table beta.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table beta.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table beta.captcha_points with 8 records
      Found table beta.comments with 0 records
      Found table beta.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 34 records
      Found table beta.content_field_art_department_name with 34 records
      Found table beta.content_field_asi_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_business_hours with 34 records
      Found table beta.content_field_catalog_size with 5 records
      Found table beta.content_field_compressed_catalog with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_coupon_1 with 12 records
      Found table beta.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table beta.content_field_expiration_date with 24 records
      Found table beta.content_field_image_cache with 7 records
      Found table beta.content_field_line_name with 340 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_email with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_product_id with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_group with 11 records
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      Found table beta.content_node_field with 103 records
      Found table beta.content_node_field_instance with 127 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_supplier_coupons with 10 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table beta.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table beta.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table beta.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table beta.filefield_paths with 14 records
      Found table beta.files with 21875 records
      Found table beta.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table beta.filters with 8 records
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      Found table beta.flag_types with 6 records
      Found table beta.flags with 1 records
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      Found table beta.imagecache_preset with 6 records
      Found table beta.menu_custom with 7 records
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      Found table beta.menu_router with 1230 records
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      Found table beta.node_privacy_byrole with 42209 records
      Found table beta.node_revisions with 4497 records
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      Found table beta.nodehierarchy_views with 3 records
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      Found table beta.workflows with 1 records
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      Found table beta.xmlsitemap_node with 4722 records
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      Found table david_convertions.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.content_field_order_product_id with 1216 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.content_field_regular_phone with 567 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499374 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1978 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19196 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730546 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181253 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187433 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 758 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158007 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 49 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80873 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18992 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6860 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 133658 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1093062 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets with 53222 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140085 records
      Found table with 5175 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_comments with 362 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_posts with 1784 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_wc_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_indexable_hierarchy with 293 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_commentmeta with 96 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_irecommendthis_votes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_layerslider_revisions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_postmeta with 17989 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_relationships with 569 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_usermeta with 61 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions with 17 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions_aid with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_priority with 0 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.captcha_points with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_keywords with 382 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_search_position with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_asi_number with 51120 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4420 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4791 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 596 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 19 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12332 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 165120 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 183424 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 10827 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91987 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91982 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91987 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57662 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140095 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751748 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305843 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61318 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143270 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143892 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 143 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206290 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-27 20:01
      73.6 GBytes 302503104 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd064f8774c16b00a2b53e2fcaf63438358ce0825468b54ddd

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302456047, size: 73.6 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_router with 1856 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_cim_profiles with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_countries with 239 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_order_history with 15900 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_coupons with 41 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_adjustments with 165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_products with 816 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_orders with 662 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_payments with 7861 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.multiblock with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_access with 1055052 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_counter with 19920 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_total with 2214 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.sessions with 90 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126407 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 962 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107401 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107361 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107373 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18315 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107406 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107397 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107393 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107361 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18992 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
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      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_affiliate_group with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 596 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 26 records
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      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 166425 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
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      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91987 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91982 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93935 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91987 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88957 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57662 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33043 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140095 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751748 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33598 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305843 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61318 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143270 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143892 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 154 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206290 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-23 22:03
      73.6 GBytes 302456047 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc68ffb082d781aaed8ab2bf622678f79f26212d8c2e7fb9d

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302488013, size: 73.6 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache with 14 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11778 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126406 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 961 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107401 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107361 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107373 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18315 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107406 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107397 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107393 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107361 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499349 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1963 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19195 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730456 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181251 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187432 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 759 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158005 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 41 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80715 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18988 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6858 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 133372 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
      Found table tmp.tags with 28287 records
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      Found table tmp.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table tmp.theme with 113 records
      Found table tmp.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140070 records
      Found table with 5169 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 263 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 697 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 10266 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4420 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 596 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12332 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 181436 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 180750 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
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      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305843 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 356 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-21 21:56
      73.6 GBytes 302488013 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1874f1bf52b3bb3945efa2314c6f233862aba1239d88584f

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302505026, size: 73.7 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1952 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19191 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730400 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181248 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547263 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187428 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 755 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158002 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 29 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80692 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18988 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 132509 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1093032 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_layerslider_revisions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_layer_animations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_relationships with 569 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_usermeta with 61 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_updates with 38176 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4420 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 596 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12332 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 181436 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 180750 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 10827 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305842 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-19 23:07
      73.7 GBytes 302505026 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc97dd324907596b2e412efdad5c3d7c590f82564f511de42

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302443039, size: 73.7 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.salesforce_webform with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_countries with 239 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_order_history with 15900 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_coupons with 41 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_adjustments with 165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_products with 816 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_orders with 662 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_payments with 7861 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_recurring_schedules with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.multiblock with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_total with 2214 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.sessions with 90 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11760 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126372 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 970 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107409 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107381 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18323 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107414 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107405 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107401 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181259 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187441 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 24 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80646 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18987 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6866 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 132274 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
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      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140050 records
      Found table with 5165 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 8736 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_affiliate_group with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_coupons with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ipod_featured_catalogs with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 596 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
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      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 24 records
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      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 128572 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305842 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 200 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-17 22:44
      73.7 GBytes 302443039 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc4270a55f08637cbf8052af7ff00ef1aeb7682edab2799a2

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302443200, size: 73.6 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table beta.access with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.cache_filter with 45 records
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      Found table beta.cache_menu with 481 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_image_cache with 7 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_node_field with 103 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table beta.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_type_catalog_page with 4437 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_common_profile with 72 records
      Found table beta.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table beta.flags with 1 records
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      Found table beta.imagecache_preset with 6 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11760 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 973 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107409 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107381 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107414 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107405 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107401 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499317 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1940 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730328 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181259 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547439 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187439 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 766 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158013 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80583 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18986 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6866 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 132243 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table tmp.theme with 113 records
      Found table tmp.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_products with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140047 records
      Found table with 5163 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 215 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 87 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 5462 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4420 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 596 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12821 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 162509 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 145143 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 10827 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525928 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-15 20:12
      73.6 GBytes 302443200 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd3bf36aaff3934044edb81d8959de42f88550cee950ce59d

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302480708, size: 73.7 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.sku_replacement with 65 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_rush_order_email with 417 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19263 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730303 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181259 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547440 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187440 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 765 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158013 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80576 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18986 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6866 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 132202 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092997 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image with 117492 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table tmp.dnd_flyer_status with 62716 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
      Found table tmp.flood with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_assets with 53222 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_section with 287 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140042 records
      Found table with 5161 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_wc_webhooks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_layer_animations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.apachesolr_search_node with 180279 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_updates with 38176 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4420 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 596 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12821 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 172952 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 179452 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 10827 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305842 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 169 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-13 21:51
      73.7 GBytes 302480708 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdcdfcbcfbdb913fbda47131b53dcdf734977b41efae5fb94e

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302504943, size: 73.6 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.autoassignrole with 11 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache with 14 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.catalog_transfers with 9692 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_adjustments with 165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_products with 816 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_orders with 662 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_payments with 7861 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node with 99709 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_access with 1055052 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_counter with 19920 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_deleted with 1998 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_total with 2214 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.sessions with 90 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.supplier_regional_reps with 2818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_admin_comments with 5635 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments_invoice with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11756 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126355 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 974 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107409 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107381 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107414 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107405 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107401 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499305 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19264 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730273 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181259 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547440 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187441 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 758 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158013 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 17 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80461 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18986 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6866 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 131920 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
      Found table tmp.views_display with 9 records
      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.vocabulary with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_queue with 200 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140037 records
      Found table with 5159 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 6103 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_affiliate_group with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 172952 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
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      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525839 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305841 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 142 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-12 00:52
      73.6 GBytes 302504943 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd1559bc84617996e448e62b6da95e0393b70ea989cc0ac09

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302424011, size: 73.6 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11755 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126348 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 979 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 98 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107399 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107359 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107371 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18373 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107395 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107391 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107359 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499277 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1914 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19252 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730177 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181249 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547280 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187429 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 756 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158003 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80385 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18984 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6856 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 131771 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_features with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140021 records
      Found table with 5157 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 387 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 40 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 4162 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4358 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12821 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 155330 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429119 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180899 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 114922 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 10827 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
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      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525830 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-09 22:11
      73.6 GBytes 302424011 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1c97c698da1a2e9e8a15a6266c495869cbf0b1c81c17e0a5

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302428190, size: 73.6 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 421 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_rush_order_email with 417 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_sample_requests_email with 421 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181249 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547280 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187431 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 757 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158003 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80344 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18984 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5466 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6856 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 131649 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092981 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140021 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_clicks with 18358 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_search_position with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_asi_number with 51120 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
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      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12821 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 155983 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 150948 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 10827 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305841 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 172 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-07 21:57
      73.6 GBytes 302428190 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd8960b7f2cf62e9ecdf858630939a25b748d1c9562feea521

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302444257, size: 73.6 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_convertions.users with 3491 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.supplier_regional_reps with 3553 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_access with 1055052 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_counter with 19920 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_deleted with 1998 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_total with 2214 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.sessions with 90 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.supplier_regional_reps with 2818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_admin_comments with 5635 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments_invoice with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11643 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 978 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107398 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107358 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107370 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18372 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107394 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107390 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107358 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499257 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730093 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181248 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547264 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187435 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 753 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 158002 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 4 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80306 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18984 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5465 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7924 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 131082 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092959 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.views_display with 9 records
      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 140007 records
      Found table with 5153 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_coupons with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ipod_featured_catalogs with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_per_role with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
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      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 155983 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
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      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525806 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305838 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 133 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-05 21:28
      73.6 GBytes 302444257 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3f91f715f9240e8b1a0942b754fb19da571661ad1d2ec306

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302646849, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table beta.flags with 1 records
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      Found table beta.imagecache_preset with 6 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table mysql.db with 256 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11640 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126311 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 980 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107395 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107355 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107367 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18369 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107400 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107391 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107387 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107355 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499237 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1888 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19248 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2730015 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181245 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547216 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187425 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 752 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157999 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 60 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80170 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18983 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5464 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7923 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 130842 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092946 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table tmp.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table tmp.uc_store_footers with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.uniq_system_log_email with 765 records
      Found table tmp.upload with 0 records
      Found table tmp.url_alias with 271525 records
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      Found table tmp.user_image_sync_status with 1409 records
      Found table tmp.user_images_sync_selected with 1241 records
      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
      Found table tmp.users_roles with 91118 records
      Found table tmp.users_signups with 32801 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
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      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139994 records
      Found table with 5151 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 20 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 578 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 1575 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4295 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 28 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12821 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 173604 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 121567 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
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      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
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      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525802 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 536 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-09-03 20:56
      73.8 GBytes 302646849 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd6259f535b404a22b2c3dde97a71d60fa0307580dde2e5582

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302645719, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_rush_order_email with 417 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_sample_requests_email with 421 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 55 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80150 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18983 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5464 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7923 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 130572 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092941 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions with 17 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions_aid with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_clicks with 18358 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.aes_passwords with 47493 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.apachesolr_search_node with 180279 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.captcha_points with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_customcatalog with 140 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_keywords with 382 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_search_position with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_subcompany with 68 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_updates with 38176 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_charges with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_department_name with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_department_telephone_n with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_asi_number with 51120 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cat_supplier_name with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_affiliate_group with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_links with 2148 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12821 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 156636 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 1014 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429069 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 160958 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305837 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 430 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-31 22:29
      73.9 GBytes 302645719 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdcb11c8423884e39c487210e054a28da7f5891786551c3fc8

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302689698, size: 73.8 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_total with 2214 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.sessions with 90 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.supplier_regional_reps with 2818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_admin_comments with 5635 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments_invoice with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11637 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126283 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 988 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107393 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107353 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107365 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18367 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107398 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107389 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107385 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107353 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 597 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1872 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19250 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729919 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181243 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547184 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187427 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 747 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157997 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 53 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 80045 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18983 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5464 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7923 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6850 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 130473 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092918 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139978 records
      Found table with 5146 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_affiliate_group with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ipod_featured_catalogs with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_per_role with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_router with 1795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_coupons with 42 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.cache with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 26 records
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      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 63 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 386 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 31 records
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      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
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      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 179478 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525776 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305837 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 344 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-29 22:50
      73.8 GBytes 302689698 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd84825b7dc00ab073ec3566cf83d3e0821fc2ea351ccf25f9

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302712279, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.catalog_transfers with 9692 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.catalog_view with 1425 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.catalog_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 736 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 715 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table geoip.ip2nationCountries with 256 records
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      Found table metabase_data.mysql-zoomcustom-users with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_sanmar with 10801 records
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      Found table metabase_source.kinessis-zoomcatalog_stats_tracker_processed-mysql with 9656697 records
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      Found table metabase_source.mysql-zoomcustom-users-20230815 with 291728 records
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      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126263 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 1003 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107388 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107348 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107360 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18362 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107393 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107380 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107348 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499202 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1853 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19283 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729799 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181238 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547104 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187421 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 744 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157992 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 50 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79946 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18983 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5463 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7922 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6845 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 130210 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092898 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image with 117492 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
      Found table tmp.flood with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_section with 287 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table tmp.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table tmp.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_revisions with 199731 records
      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
      Found table tmp.rep_distributors with 16294 records
      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.sessions with 1892 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_custom_cover with 4898 records
      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
      Found table tmp.tags with 28287 records
      Found table tmp.term_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table tmp.theme with 113 records
      Found table tmp.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.uniq_system_log_email with 765 records
      Found table tmp.upload with 0 records
      Found table tmp.url_alias with 271525 records
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      Found table tmp.user_image_sync_status with 1409 records
      Found table tmp.user_images_sync_selected with 1241 records
      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
      Found table tmp.users_roles with 91118 records
      Found table tmp.users_signups with 32801 records
      Found table tmp.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
      Found table tmp.validate_email with 79330 records
      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
      Found table tmp.views_display with 9 records
      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
      Found table tmp.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table tmp.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table tmp.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
      Found table tmp.webform_component with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_last_download with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139958 records
      Found table with 5144 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 116 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 1139 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 60 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 31519 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 30 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12753 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 179478 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429112 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180899 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 136229 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525776 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305836 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 289 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-27 22:22
      73.9 GBytes 302712279 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd2e5aba4c67271a7a428c9b723dcec8cdd5b6c3ec8e560794

      Databases: 3078, row count: 296922684, size: 73.0 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table beta.access with 0 records
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      Found table beta.ad_channel_node with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_owner_president_name with 445 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_product_ordered with 959 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_regular_phone with 400 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_rush_order_email with 417 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_rush_phone with 381 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_sample_requests_email with 421 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_shipping_fob with 418 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 19 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79886 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18982 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5463 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7922 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6844 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 127857 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092895 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
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      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.sessions with 1892 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.captcha_points with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_keywords with 382 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_search_position with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_subcompany with 68 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_updates with 38176 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_department_name with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_department_telephone_n with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_asi_number with 51120 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cat_supplier_name with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12753 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 185352 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 131265 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525759 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found on 2024-08-25 21:43
      73.0 GBytes 296922684 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd7e3f1c22ee1fd97cfaf540805cac6587d6718ea6d3cbca9d

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302695535, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18359 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107390 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107381 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107377 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499191 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1845 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19277 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729751 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181235 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547056 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187415 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 741 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157989 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79874 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18982 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5463 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7922 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6842 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 127657 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092891 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.upload with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.vocabulary with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_subdomain with 23 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139950 records
      Found table with 5140 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user with 63002 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_irecommendthis_votes with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_drafts with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_revisions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_posts with 1784 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_seo_links with 1910 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_postmeta with 17989 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_css with 109 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_layer_animations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 111 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 924 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 17999 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12753 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 185352 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 159667 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 154 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-23 20:22
      73.9 GBytes 302695535 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd52289c5012997876378a402e358d1ba1331d5fe0cad1c75a

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302711329, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_catalog_page with 79273 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_common_profile with 11048 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_dist_opt_out with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_flyer with 180 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.custom_user_url with 527 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filters with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flags with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107344 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18358 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6841 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 127394 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092888 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139949 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_asi_number with 51120 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cat_supplier_name with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 185352 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 158650 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525757 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305836 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-21 21:35
      73.9 GBytes 302711329 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf1b594be4e436510e27aaf84766067b3a8f049a231c6093e

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302728334, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_admin_comments with 5635 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments_invoice with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11594 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126240 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 995 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107385 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107357 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18359 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107390 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107381 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107377 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499175 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1835 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19277 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729691 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181235 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547056 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187415 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 742 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157989 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79803 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18981 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5463 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7922 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6842 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 127169 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092875 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
      Found table tmp.flood with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139940 records
      Found table with 5136 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 222319 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user_profile with 88279 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_countries with 239 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_coupons with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_membership_plans with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_recurring_schedules with 770 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 780 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 20 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 17999 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12753 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 210153 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429079 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 142290 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525750 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305836 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-19 22:45
      73.9 GBytes 302728334 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd847a10ab61b62e0d401ea7c5d2d77604bbf9c1bfb15f6c6a

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302716471, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107390 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107381 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107377 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499175 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1835 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19280 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729691 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181235 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3547056 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187418 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 739 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157989 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79770 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18981 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5463 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7922 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6842 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 127149 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092872 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image with 117492 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.upload with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.vocabulary with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139940 records
      Found table with 5134 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user with 63002 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_comments with 362 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_irecommendthis_votes with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_drafts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_posts with 1784 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_redirection_items with 6 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_indexable_hierarchy with 293 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_migrations with 23 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_seo_links with 1910 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_postmeta with 17989 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_css with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 196 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 745 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 17999 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12753 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 144235 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 188627 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305835 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-17 20:44
      73.9 GBytes 302716471 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf6d1172e816a83209e5706944ec7394392b5ad72a49d7baf

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302749483, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table david_convertions.users with 3491 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 7 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table metabase_source.mysql-zoomcustom-users-20230815 with 291728 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_dist_opt_out with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_flyer with 180 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_product with 36 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.custom_user_url with 527 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filefield_paths with 36 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filters with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch with 3233 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_queue with 7059 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107377 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6838 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 127108 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092868 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139935 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 164467 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 225418 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525743 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305835 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 299 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-15 20:30
      73.9 GBytes 302749483 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fddc16044282b43f9c0f5d6ce085c401a756ccf38688aebbcc

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302753394, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table beta.access with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table beta.cache_menu with 481 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_node_field with 103 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11590 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 1001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107380 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107340 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18354 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107385 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107376 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107372 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107340 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499154 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1821 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729607 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181230 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546976 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187414 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 736 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157984 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 150 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79690 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18981 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5462 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7921 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6837 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 127044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139926 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_coupons with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_membership_plans with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_recurring_schedules with 770 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 1138 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 17999 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 19 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12592 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 193169 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654204 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 205143 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127361 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130072 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525738 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305835 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-13 20:33
      73.9 GBytes 302753394 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fde2e06f93a14a4eb512861c9db9c6d58c247c4e87a9be8516

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302681917, size: 74.0 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107375 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107371 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107339 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499141 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1813 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19271 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729559 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181229 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546960 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187409 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 736 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157983 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79595 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18980 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5462 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7921 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6836 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 120996 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092847 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image with 117492 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.vocabulary with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139918 records
      Found table with 5128 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user with 63002 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_comments with 362 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_irecommendthis_votes with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_drafts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_posts with 1784 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_redirection_items with 6 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_seo_links with 1910 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_css with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_customcatalog with 140 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_keywords with 382 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_subcompany with 68 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 486 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 483 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 17999 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12592 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 167065 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 161491 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305834 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 207 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-11 22:00
      74.0 GBytes 302681917 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc556c272ffdc806ca4b99cb0358e4d37b3f88fd65e00a6fa

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302670671, size: 74.0 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_sanmar with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.custom_user_url with 527 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flags with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107374 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6835 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 120875 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092840 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139914 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 167065 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
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      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429098 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 177954 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140093 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305831 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143268 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 184 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58902 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-09 22:45
      74.0 GBytes 302670671 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd28b6d801661191bff9874f2ba8fe5d760c88d169557ae18a

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302650409, size: 74.0 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11506 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126191 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 942 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107379 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107339 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18353 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107375 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107371 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107339 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 499120 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1798 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19272 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2729469 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181229 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546960 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187410 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157983 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 62 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 79530 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18980 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5462 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7921 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6836 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 120566 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092826 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
      Found table tmp.locales_source with 29240 records
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      Found table tmp.log_logins with 499 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139903 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_profile with 88279 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_recurring_schedules with 770 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 179 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 4011 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 50 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 17999 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4584 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 612 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12378 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 157276 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 156035 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 418 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 364 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525653 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93933 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93998 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88955 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 895 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57656 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57660 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33041 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 341 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751746 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33596 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91194 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59393 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305831 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61316 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4335 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29462 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276395 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206288 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58813 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10632 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-08-07 21:31
      74.0 GBytes 302650409 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd13d790c04345bb8652bcebfef3b3fcf16ba2d9f0e31d2d68

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302638609, size: 73.8 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498932 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1660 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728641 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181203 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546544 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 706 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157957 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78546 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18955 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5459 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7918 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6810 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 115004 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092672 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image with 117492 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.upload with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
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      Found table tmp.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139765 records
      Found table with 5071 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user with 63002 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_comments with 362 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_irecommendthis_votes with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_drafts with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_revisions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_posts with 1784 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_redirection_items with 6 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_term_taxonomy with 69 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_termmeta with 25 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_postmeta with 17989 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_relationships with 569 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_subcompany with 68 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_updates with 38176 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 430 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 156 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 5198 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 158569 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 152788 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91980 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91975 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91980 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57655 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33036 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140082 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751735 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33591 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59388 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305805 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61311 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143257 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143879 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 210 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206282 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-15 21:53
      73.8 GBytes 302638609 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fde8298c2f64783c89252d4e41ce6e98081ad47fb39873ce4d

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302606757, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 22 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.devel_times with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.files with 1142983 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filters with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flag_counts with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flags with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch with 3233 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 12562 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_queue with 7059 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_mail with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_router with 1856 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 964 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18323 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107354 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107309 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6806 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 114889 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092668 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
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      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139758 records
      Found table with 5070 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_email with 51314 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 158569 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
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      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 167716 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 75 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 415 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525092 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91975 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93928 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91980 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88950 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57655 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33036 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140082 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751735 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27078 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33591 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59388 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305804 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61311 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143257 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143879 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 188 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206281 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-14 15:19
      73.8 GBytes 302606757 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fda2897f1581c5568ba9328ab791b831da118ea9ad48b24acd

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302631393, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table beta.access with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11308 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126027 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 966 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107347 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107307 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107319 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18321 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107343 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107339 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107307 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498912 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1647 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19240 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728563 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181197 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546448 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187378 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 703 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157951 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 109 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18951 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7917 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6804 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 114035 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092662 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table tmp.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table tmp.menu_links with 35615 records
      Found table tmp.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
      Found table tmp.node with 199777 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 223343 records
      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139752 records
      Found table with 5067 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 556 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 4910 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 177493 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 137821 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 75 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 415 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525087 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91978 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93926 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91978 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88948 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57653 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140080 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751733 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33589 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59386 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305804 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61309 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143877 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 149 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206279 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-11 20:48
      73.8 GBytes 302631393 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdeab13ab6514aa808ccd6668cacc36c2b1be423ba4e596a5e

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302575262, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498907 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1643 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19238 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728539 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181196 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546432 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187376 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 703 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157950 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 102 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78397 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18951 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7917 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6803 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 113442 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092659 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image with 117492 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
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      Found table tmp.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139748 records
      Found table with 5065 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_drafts with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_layerslider_revisions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_term_relationships with 586 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_usermeta with 397 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_wc_webhooks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 392 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 193 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 3731 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 177493 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 118522 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 75 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305804 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 215 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-09 21:53
      73.9 GBytes 302575262 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1df754b0d8096156fdfa58cee0391401a08dc3004994ce39

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302588027, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.devel_times with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.files with 1142983 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filters with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flag_counts with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flags with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flood with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch with 3233 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 12562 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_queue with 7059 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_access_ip_detail with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_products with 816 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 112942 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092659 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table tmp.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_fields with 22 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
      Found table tmp.validate_email with 79330 records
      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
      Found table tmp.views_display with 9 records
      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
      Found table tmp.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_queue with 200 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 7862 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139747 records
      Found table with 5063 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 222319 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_email with 51314 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 177493 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
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      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 118255 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 75 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525028 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305802 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 149 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-07 22:21
      73.8 GBytes 302588027 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3948c5d678437f28ed923c6cdf17bfcb2c6a6c1af3bd7efb

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302497552, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache with 14 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.catalog_view_total_country with 725 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11292 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126022 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 969 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107346 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107306 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107318 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18320 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107342 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107338 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107306 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498903 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1641 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19238 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728527 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181196 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546432 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187376 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 705 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157950 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 92 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78372 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18948 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7917 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6803 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 112839 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092657 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table tmp.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
      Found table tmp.node with 199777 records
      Found table tmp.node_access with 1 records
      Found table tmp.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 223343 records
      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table tmp.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table tmp.node_deleted with 169703 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139746 records
      Found table with 5061 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 111 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 675 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 3115 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 154001 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429088 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 23270 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 75 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2525000 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305801 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 156 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-05 22:08
      73.8 GBytes 302497552 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fde9bc0ccc11e7b8fa844fb9f28a27484d8843926c7b0ea1cc

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302592911, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498897 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1637 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19240 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728503 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181198 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546464 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187378 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 705 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157952 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 86 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78347 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18948 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7917 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6805 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 112480 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092649 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139742 records
      Found table with 5059 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_wc_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 106 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 266 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 2346 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 143561 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429079 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 154205 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305801 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 195 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-03 22:31
      73.9 GBytes 302592911 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd20c77f10ac0a3036034d44ee425dba610dd676a07193478b

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302567582, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table beta.role with 10 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filters with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flag_counts with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flags with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flood with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch with 3233 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 12562 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_queue with 7059 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.infusionsoft with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ipod_featured_catalogs with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_access_ip_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_links with 2133 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_per_role with 14 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_router with 1856 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_order_history with 15900 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_coupons with 41 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_adjustments with 165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_products with 816 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_orders with 662 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_payments with 7861 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.multiblock with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_total with 2214 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126014 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 972 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107308 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107344 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6805 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 112472 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092649 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_fields with 22 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139742 records
      Found table with 5058 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 143561 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 150684 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 75 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524985 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305801 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 162 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-03 00:06
      73.9 GBytes 302567582 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fda3f022b6f8805008d5f40e8c81f4a42b2a64cbbae38528fd

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302579327, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache with 14 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11286 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126014 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 972 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107348 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107308 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107320 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18322 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107353 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107344 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107340 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107308 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498897 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1637 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19240 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728503 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181198 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546464 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187378 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 705 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157952 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 84 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78327 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18947 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7917 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6805 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 112384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092649 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table tmp.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table tmp.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_revisions with 199731 records
      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139742 records
      Found table with 5057 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 353 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 191 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 1818 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 143561 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 163457 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 18 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 75 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524982 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305800 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 126 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-06-01 21:40
      73.9 GBytes 302579327 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf66f30890c437787847f5e434248101e832619712b07b7c5

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302583738, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.sku_replacement with 65 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498897 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1637 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19240 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728503 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181198 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546464 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187378 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 705 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157952 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 98 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78327 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18947 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7917 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6805 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105736 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092649 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139742 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_css_bkp with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_migrations with 23 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_seo_links with 1910 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_postmeta with 17989 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_usermeta with 61 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 366 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 793 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 1818 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144965 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 143561 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 171570 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305800 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 142 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-31 20:28
      73.9 GBytes 302583738 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd9d7569dd16ae845339840c6f51cefee2b5bef1d53de0e1b7

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302660017, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flood with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.history with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch with 3233 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 12562 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.iframesearch_search_queue with 7059 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.infusionsoft with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ipod_featured_catalogs with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_access_ip_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_links with 2133 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_per_role with 14 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_router with 1856 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_coupons with 41 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_adjustments with 165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_order_products with 816 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_orders with 662 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_payments with 7861 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_recurring_schedules with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.multiblock with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_counter with 19920 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_deleted with 1998 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_total with 2214 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.sessions with 90 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.supplier_regional_reps with 2818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11201 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126009 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 929 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107347 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107307 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107319 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18321 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107343 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107339 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107307 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18946 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6804 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105540 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092644 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139738 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_affiliate_group with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_coupons with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 221867 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
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      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 137776 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 74 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524978 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305800 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 719 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-29 20:36
      73.9 GBytes 302660017 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd21517d104fd2be367153d2ee688c1461cf0d44a05deb6e65

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302670561, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2060 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11200 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126006 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 932 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107349 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107321 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18323 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107354 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498889 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1633 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19241 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728473 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181199 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546480 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187379 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 706 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157953 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 94 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78305 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18943 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7916 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6806 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105523 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092641 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table tmp.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.node_revisions with 199731 records
      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
      Found table tmp.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table tmp.profile_image_history with 794 records
      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139737 records
      Found table with 5053 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 143 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 1049 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 915 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12000 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 221867 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 139019 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 74 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524978 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305800 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 694 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-28 23:14
      73.9 GBytes 302670561 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdae6bc9e5f7d42a3b856c8f27f800daca4f4bec9d0065cc08

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302581659, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_sanmar with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498889 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1633 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19241 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728473 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181199 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546480 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187379 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 706 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157953 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 91 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78292 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18941 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7916 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6806 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105354 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092641 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139737 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_wc_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_migrations with 23 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_primary_term with 146 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_seo_links with 1910 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_postmeta with 17989 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_usermeta with 61 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_clicks with 18358 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_asi_number with 51120 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 606 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 87 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 460 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 11916 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 165095 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 125810 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 74 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305799 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-27 21:13
      73.9 GBytes 302581659 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd17002eec09130f9ada5ff5d2094924edf0623fcc283c2394

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302627437, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_access_ip_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_router with 1856 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.sessions with 90 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 929 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107309 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107321 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107345 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107309 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092641 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
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      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139737 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_product with 97 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.coupon_transfers with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
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      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 165095 records
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      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 167411 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 74 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305799 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 628 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-26 20:42
      73.9 GBytes 302627437 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd7bf9c152c8709d4ce71fd550224e6697c4be39f66dfc2549

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302627513, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_image_cache with 7 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_view_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_type_catalog_page with 4437 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11196 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1126005 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 929 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107349 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107321 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18323 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107354 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498889 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1633 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19242 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728473 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181199 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546480 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187380 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 706 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157953 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 89 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78292 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18941 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7916 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6806 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105335 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
      Found table tmp.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table tmp.profile_image_history with 794 records
      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
      Found table tmp.rep_distributors with 16294 records
      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
      Found table tmp.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table tmp.sessions with 1892 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139737 records
      Found table with 5050 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 222319 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 484 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 214 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 460 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 11916 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 165095 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 167411 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 74 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524975 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305799 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 603 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-25 23:19
      73.8 GBytes 302627513 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd96355660e53c0e2630e691deaa76dd11c4017850bb043f1b

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302627696, size: 73.8 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498889 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1633 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19242 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728473 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181199 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546480 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187380 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 706 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157953 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 88 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78292 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18941 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7916 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6806 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105334 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092640 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_posts with 1784 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_indexable_hierarchy with 293 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_css with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 484 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 214 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 460 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 11916 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 165095 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 167411 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305799 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 601 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-25 21:29
      73.8 GBytes 302627696 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd857ef88c676e59ba15b176b2f636e60d1aff8a2c4c6f12ba

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302626633, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 8 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_access_ip_detail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_links with 2133 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_per_role with 14 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.menu_router with 1856 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_memberships with 539 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_orders with 662 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_privacy_byrole with 2533899 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_revisions with 99761 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_sync with 509 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy with 96854 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.permission with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_index with 11110 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_node_links with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.searchstats with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2364 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1505 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1831 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
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      Found table with 11 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 925 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107309 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107321 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18323 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107309 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139735 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_supplier_profile with 331 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 21 records
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      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
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      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
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      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 165095 records
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      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
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      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 74 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305799 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 551 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-24 22:58
      73.8 GBytes 302626633 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd6758fb62a8608dbc8256a2c0f4c2b4c79f42cfe62b4982b1

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302594644, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table beta.content_type_catalog with 4 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.zc_category_api with 5 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1125994 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 930 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107350 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107310 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107322 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107355 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107346 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107342 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107310 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498881 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1627 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19243 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728437 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181200 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546496 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187381 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 707 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157954 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78272 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18941 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7916 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6807 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105119 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table tmp.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.node_revisions with 199731 records
      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
      Found table tmp.profile_fields with 22 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
      Found table tmp.rep_distributors with 16294 records
      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
      Found table tmp.tags with 28287 records
      Found table tmp.term_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.theme with 113 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139731 records
      Found table with 5048 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 123 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 73 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 121 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 11916 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 150739 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 885 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429154 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
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      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
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      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57187 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 74 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 359 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524954 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305798 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 508 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-23 22:21
      73.8 GBytes 302594644 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc52f8df049ffd69645f32b0e27727341b0251b40efb3a06e

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302670458, size: 73.8 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498879 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1625 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19244 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728425 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181200 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546496 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187382 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 704 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157954 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 79 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 78255 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18941 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5458 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7916 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6807 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 105099 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092625 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image with 117492 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_version with 933 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
      Found table tmp.flood with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets with 53222 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_section with 287 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139729 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_comments with 362 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_irecommendthis_votes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_links with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_layer_animations_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_sliders_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_terms with 67 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_users with 5 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_wc_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_indexable_hierarchy with 293 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_yoast_seo_links with 1910 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_commentmeta with 96 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_irecommendthis_votes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_layerslider_revisions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_postmeta with 17989 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_sliders with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_static_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_term_taxonomy with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_usermeta with 61 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_users with 1 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_api_keys with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_itemmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.accesslog with 2628 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.actions with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_channel_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_html with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.app_ads with 18 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autoassignrole with 11 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologin_user_hash with 907 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks with 166 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ca_predicates with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_filter with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_form with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_menu with 675 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.captcha_points with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_keywords with 382 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cat_supplier_name with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sage_number with 49891 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_telephone_nu with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4389 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 525 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 28 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 11916 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 150739 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 956 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 183996 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 482 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206274 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-22 21:42
      73.8 GBytes 302670458 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd318694abeba1920d460e0bc54ec442043b78a5bfc833890b

      Databases: 668, row count: 139785240, size: 29.1 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.supplier_regional_reps with 3379 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.system with 310 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.term_check with 52800 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 17586 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.term_data with 2788 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.term_hierarchy with 1500 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.term_node with 1614 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.tmp_tmp with 1918 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 2618 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 3298 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 276 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 66148 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 17720 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 6851 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 36 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 403 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 126 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 103 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 362117 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 2956 records
      Found table david_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:59
      29.1 GBytes 139785240 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc95509a2358c7afc3a9f6200175da607406a0026e985e8cb

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302522685, size: 73.8 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ipod_featured_catalogs with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_sanmar with 10801 records
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      Found table metabase_source.kinessis-zoomcatalog_stats_tracker_processed-mysql with 9655616 records
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      Found table metabase_source.mysql-zoomcustom-users-20230815 with 291728 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107338 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107298 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107310 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18312 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107343 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107334 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107330 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107298 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498813 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1580 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19230 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728149 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546304 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187368 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 696 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157942 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 52 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 77978 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18932 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5457 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7915 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6795 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 103573 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092580 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
      Found table tmp.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
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      Found table tmp.sessions with 1892 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.upload with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.user_image_sync_status with 1409 records
      Found table tmp.user_images_sync_selected with 1241 records
      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
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      Found table tmp.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
      Found table tmp.validate_email with 79330 records
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      Found table tmp.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table tmp.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139683 records
      Found table with 5033 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_ss_website_search_replacements with 486 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user with 63002 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 222319 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_css with 109 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_subcompany with 68 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 126 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 532 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 25774 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 3855 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4277 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 500 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12422 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 156612 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 956 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 27541 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
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      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 73 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 357 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524831 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305787 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206273 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-05-08 13:36
      73.8 GBytes 302522685 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdbde39f69bdc2f467568057e3f0559cfeb242af11a5139093

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302511053, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_shipping_fob with 418 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 3432 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 418 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_stats_web_site with 8183 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_time_zone with 418 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_toll_free_fax with 400 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_toll_free_number with 400 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_upic_number with 10518 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_version with 7213 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_warranties with 418 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_node_field_instance with 293 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filefield_paths with 36 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filters with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6802 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 102700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092552 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
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      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_look_and_fell with 373 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
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      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
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      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download with 2843 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_updates with 38176 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_charges with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cat_supplier_name with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 172925 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 956 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 1733 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 655 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57186 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 73 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 357 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524813 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305782 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 114 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206273 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-04-30 19:50
      73.8 GBytes 302511053 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd802eb7f10780f2cf2abe607b1b528d06ca8913394181b904

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302702858, size: 73.9 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user with 260 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 500 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_profile with 258 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.user_source with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_product_ordered with 4 records
      Found table beta.content_field_sage_number with 47 records
      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table david_zoomcatalog_staging.ad_owners with 55 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cc_expire with 1195 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_admin_comments with 5635 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments with 1307 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_comments_invoice with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_invoice_header with 668 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_line_items with 248 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_log with 29128 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_products with 6939 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_order_statuses with 13 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders with 2827 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_orders_canceled with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_check with 383 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_cod with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_other with 20 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_products with 45 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_schedules with 1250 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_rep_payment with 25 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_roles_products with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_zones with 63 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.upload with 86 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.url_alias with 196835 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_profile_sections_passed with 1222 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.user_types_user with 11076 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.variable with 1773 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_display with 85 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.views_view with 32 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.visitorinfo with 22841 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.watchdog with 2720 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform with 18 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submissions with 2165 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.webform_submitted_data with 18879 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node with 1039 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_node_history with 705940 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap with 78512 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 1 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_api with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zc_category_items with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_favorites with 7365 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 1973 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 60 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 11594 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_status_history with 4173 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_tour with 10492 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 6219 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.access with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.accesslog with 11147 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.actions_aid with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_container with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_node with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_channel_remnant with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_clicks with 928 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_hosts with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_html with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_owners with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_permissions with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_priority with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_statistics with 1125913 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ad_weight_probability with 0 records
      Found table with 11 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.advanced_help_index with 153 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.apachesolr_search_node with 20044 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.authmap with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole with 13 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autoassignrole_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.autologout with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.batch with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks with 71 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.blocks_roles with 67 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.boxes with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ca_predicates with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_apachesolr with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_content with 953 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_filter with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_menu with 13424 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_uc_price with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107345 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107305 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107317 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18319 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107350 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107337 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107305 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498790 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1561 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19237 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728035 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181195 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546416 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187375 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 702 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157949 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 77848 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18911 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5457 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7915 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6802 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 102265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092548 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer with 82933 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_flyer_expiration with 60740 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_subcompany with 39 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table tmp.dnd_flyer_status with 62716 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
      Found table tmp.flood with 0 records
      Found table tmp.flyer with 5904 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139664 records
      Found table with 5023 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_sessions with 1 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_comments with 85 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_keywordsuppliers with 39410 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ipod_featured_catalogs with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_links with 2148 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_per_role with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_router with 1795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_countries with 239 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_order_history with 24850 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_coupons with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_membership_plans with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_adjustments with 187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_order_products with 1162 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_orders with 823 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_payments with 11623 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_recurring_schedules with 770 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.multiblock with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node with 221650 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_access with 2543383 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_counter with 15399 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_deleted with 5634 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.page_title with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_fields with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications with 3908 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.push_notifications_tracking with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_field_map with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_index with 11174 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_total with 2211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sessions with 1812 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_refer_details with 80 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.sku_replacement with 65 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.supplier_regional_reps with 3433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check with 57200 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_data with 2723 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_hierarchy with 1538 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_node with 1490 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.trigger_assignments with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_link_clicks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_catalog_images with 31 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cc_expire with 2591 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_countries with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_coupons_orders with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_file_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_admin_comments with 10500 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments with 3864 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_comments_invoice with 4210 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_invoice_header with 1225 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 279 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_log with 67797 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_products with 16208 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 16 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders with 5795 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_orders_canceled with 42 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_check with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cim with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_other with 21 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_po with 126 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 5108 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_classes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_features with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_products with 104 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_products with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_schedules with 1307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_recurring_users with 131 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_rep_payment with 26 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_expirations with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_roles_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_zones with 242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 37 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 249 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 407 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 25774 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4010 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4277 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
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      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144946 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 153337 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 956 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
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      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 240147 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_links with 85876 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_custom_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_countries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57186 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 73 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 357 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524811 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305782 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 337 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206273 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-04-28 18:43
      73.9 GBytes 302702858 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd76d498bc52bee0cad6054fc2af2f91dd865607bc84014a06

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302700341, size: 73.9 GB
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomapiv2.v_categories with 2367 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_file with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_node with 324 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.catalog_page with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.comments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_accounts_receivable_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_art_department_name with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_asi_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_business_hours with 70 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_catalog_size with 107347 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_compressed_catalog with 107307 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_coupon_1 with 58 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_customer_service_email with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_expiration_date with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_image_cache with 107319 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_line_name with 700 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_email with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 225 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_number with 18321 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_order_product_id with 107352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_ppai_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107343 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_sage_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_version with 107339 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_view_catalog with 107307 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_group_fields with 123 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field with 163 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_node_field_instance with 188 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_admin_catalog with 10 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog with 1852 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page with 57663 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_page_save with 11352 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_common_profile with 636 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_dist_opt_out with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer with 25 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_price_point_page with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_product with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_specials_page with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_subcompany with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_coupons with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_supplier_profile with 69 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.css_injector_rule with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp2 with 4603 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp3 with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_format_types with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.debug_info with 56309 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.distrubutor_details with 50823 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filefield_paths with 19 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.files with 498783 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.filters with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flags with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.flood with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.frameid with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.history with 1557 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_action with 6 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.imagecache_preset with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_custom with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_links with 1629 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.menu_router with 1403 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.multiblock with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node with 19241 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_access with 2728011 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_comment_statistics with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_counter with 181197 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_privacy_byrole with 3546448 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_revisions with 187379 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_sync with 703 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.node_type with 24 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy with 157951 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodehierarchy_views with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.page_title with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.path_redirect with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.permission with 9 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_fields with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_role with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.profile_values with 190 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.role with 23 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_dataset with 10438 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_index with 944630 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_node_links with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.search_total with 54087 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_checklist with 51 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.seo_group with 12 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sessions with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_colors with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_affiliate with 113 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_catalog with 262 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote with 26001 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_quote_mandatory with 1008 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_side_catalog with 36 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_custom_suppliers with 265 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_customization with 2219 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.site_refer_details with 1855 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.sync_usermap with 745 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.system with 258 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check with 77809 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_check2 with 18910 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_data with 5456 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_hierarchy with 4129 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_node with 7914 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_paths with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_properties with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.themekey_ui_node_theme with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.trigger_assignments with 5 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attribute_options with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_catalog_images with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_admin_comments with 510 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_log with 497 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_check with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cod with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_classes with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_features with 16 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_products with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_expirations with 28 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_roles_products with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_store_footers with 404 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6804 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 97016 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092539 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
      Found table tmp.access with 0 records
      Found table tmp.actions with 13 records
      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table tmp.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table tmp.aes_passwords with 79035 records
      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
      Found table tmp.blocks with 176 records
      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
      Found table tmp.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table tmp.cache with 18 records
      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
      Found table tmp.cache_menu with 1264 records
      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table tmp.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_assets with 81177 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_category with 3153 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_dimentions with 34073 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_logo with 124690 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_referer with 112862 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
      Found table tmp.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
      Found table tmp.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table tmp.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table tmp.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.menu_router with 950 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
      Found table tmp.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.node_type with 13 records
      Found table tmp.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 34543 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table tmp.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table tmp.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table tmp.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
      Found table tmp.rep_distributors with 16294 records
      Found table tmp.role with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_node with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table tmp.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_products with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.upload with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.user_image_sync_status with 1409 records
      Found table tmp.user_images_sync_selected with 1241 records
      Found table tmp.users with 91068 records
      Found table tmp.users_roles with 91118 records
      Found table tmp.users_signups with 32801 records
      Found table tmp.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
      Found table tmp.validate_email with 79330 records
      Found table tmp.variable with 632 records
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      Found table tmp.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table tmp.views_view with 4 records
      Found table tmp.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table tmp.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table tmp.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table tmp.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table tmp.webform with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table tmp.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table tmp.webform_roles with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomalog_user_hash with 79683 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_search_queue with 200 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 7862 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_subdomain with 23 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_files with 0 records
      Found table zoom_sync.catalog_nodes with 139660 records
      Found table with 5020 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application with 113 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 76 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user with 95231 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 4745 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_inventory with 0 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_media_content with 54267 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_product_data with 7590 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.pl_ss_website_search_replacements with 486 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 9816787 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.tmp with 0 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user with 63002 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user_accesstoken with 222319 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user_profile with 88279 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.user_source with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_catalogs with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_subcompanies with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_no_parent with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 64555 records
      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides with 0 records
      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_revslider_static_slides_bkp with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_posts with 1964 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_slides with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_termmeta with 25 records
      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_order_items with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_image_format with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_notify with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.blocks_roles with 181 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.boxes with 20 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_apachesolr with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.cache_content with 1427 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_profile_sections_passed with 3129 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_profile_fields with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_type with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.user_types_user with 101836 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users with 93128 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_roles with 95118 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 232 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.users_variable with 2847 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_display with 85 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_object_cache with 2 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.visitorinfo with 22322 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.watchdog with 10307 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform with 18 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_component with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_roles with 93 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submissions with 4707 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node with 1346 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_node_history with 1348274 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap with 163366 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.xmlsitemap_sitemap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_api with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoom_device_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_opt_out_allowed_emails_testing with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_suppliers_weekly_report with 4233 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_user_hash with 46583 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.aes_passwords with 86604 records
      Found table zoomcust.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.auth_tokens with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_content with 271 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_filter with 1079 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_form with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_menu with 25774 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_assets with 94590 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_customcatalog_suppliers with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_redirect with 747 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats with 8258210 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total with 284856 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_stats_total_country with 1022920 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_tag with 140081 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust.catalog_updates with 15442 records
      Found table zoomcust.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_category with 4010 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_data with 195428 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_dimentions with 95361 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_draft with 197110 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image with 192692 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_logo with 200086 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_path with 194187 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_referer with 196704 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_theme with 4277 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_version with 1173 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_x with 98427 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_field_y with 88615 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_node_field_instance with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_cover with 95820 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_contact_information with 125523 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer with 125404 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_flyer_expiration with 92730 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_look_and_fell with 408 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_spreadsheets with 29 records
      Found table zoomcust.content_type_subcompany with 55 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.ctools_object_cache with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust.dnd_flyer_status with 195738 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_meta with 259546 records
      Found table zoomcust.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust.files with 2317954 records
      Found table zoomcust.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer with 12157 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets with 144960 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_assets_limit with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_category with 21399 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_colors with 1046 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_contact with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_limit with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 168345 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 956 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 208166 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node with 310654 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_revisions with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 73 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 357 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_logo with 93992 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_path with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_referer with 88943 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_theme with 4739 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_version with 894 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_x with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_y with 35705 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_group_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field with 95 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_node_field_instance with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog with 478 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_cover with 35791 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_contact_information with 57651 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_cover_style with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer with 57648 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_flyer_expiration with 33029 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 16 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_look_and_fell with 340 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_product with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_spreadsheets with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_type_subcompany with 31 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ctools_object_cache with 34 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.dnd_flyer_status with 30829 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_meta with 140075 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filefield_paths with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.files with 751728 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer with 3913 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets with 27076 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_assets_limit with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_category with 13523 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_colors with 54 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_contact with 69 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_attributes with 33584 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_limit with 264 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83927 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2026 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_type with 553 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view with 2206328 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_create_view_total with 3769 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job with 676 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 17 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_global_settings with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_iframe with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_library with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download with 91193 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_pdf_download_total with 59381 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_price_point with 2593 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section with 204 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_section_tag with 206 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_tag with 46317 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_theme with 21444 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_version with 3916 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view with 305781 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_per_day_total with 230 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_view_total with 61304 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.flyer_virtuals with 197 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder with 890 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.folder_product with 2729 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.history with 4334 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.languages with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_source with 3196 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.locales_target with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.log_mail with 240518 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade with 36 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_links with 46246 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.menu_router with 976 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node with 143250 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 152989 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_deleted with 93241 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_revisions with 143872 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.sessions with 216 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_custom_cover with 5284 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.tags with 21486 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.theme with 100 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.url_alias with 206273 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_distributor_migration_status with 222 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-04-25 12:42
      73.9 GBytes 302700341 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd449d3d3cff99c14a16f4b042876ea75d9d34d83c991c171b

      Databases: 3259, row count: 302566889, size: 73.8 GB
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_subdomain with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user with 265 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.application_user_account with 1 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country with 250 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_country_state with 4417 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.c_user_role with 9 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.stats_requests with 2059 records
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      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_flyers_personalized with 279 records
      Found table alpha_zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 279 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_name with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 109 records
      Found table beta.content_field_order_number with 5 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_ppai_number with 47 records
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      Found table beta.content_field_upic_number with 47 records
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      Found table metabase_data.zoomcatalog_stats_catalogs_global with 10801 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 418 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_stats_web_site with 8183 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_time_zone with 418 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_toll_free_fax with 400 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_toll_free_number with 400 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_upic_number with 10518 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_version with 7213 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_field_warranties with 418 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.content_node_field_instance with 293 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.filters with 8 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.flags with 1 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 553 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 577 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.ms_core_payment_profiles with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.node_type with 29 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.nodewords with 4 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.path_redirect with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_fields with 5 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.profile_values with 40731 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.role with 26 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.search_dataset with 471 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.system with 311 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.taxonomy_manager_merge with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check with 25818 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.term_check2 with 15104 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_po with 117 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.uc_payment_receipts with 2616 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users with 10907 records
      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.users_roles with 11083 records
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      Found table sandbox_zoomcatalog.workflows with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_main_contact_name with 225 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_product_ordered with 107342 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.content_field_upic_number with 188 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.ctcp4 with 4383 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.date_formats with 42 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_coupons_orders with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_products with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_file_users with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_files with 1 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_comments with 45 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_line_items with 3 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_order_products with 460 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_orders with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_cim with 2 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_other with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_po with 139 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_payment_receipts with 103 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_product_options with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_products with 14 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_recurring_users with 44 records
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      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.upload with 20 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.url_alias with 6803 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users with 3066 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_error_log with 246 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.users_roles with 3019 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.variable with 1276 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_display with 80 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_object_cache with 18 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.views_view with 30 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.vocabulary_node_types with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.watchdog with 96830 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform with 7 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_component with 33 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_roles with 15 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submissions with 53 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.webform_submitted_data with 351 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_access with 27 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node with 64 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_node_history with 1092536 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_scheduled_transition with 0 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_states with 4 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_transitions with 8 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflow_type_map with 22 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.workflows with 1 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.wysiwyg with 3 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap with 24384 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_node with 4547 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_taxonomy with 6341 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user with 205 records
      Found table searchmy_searchlibrary2.xmlsitemap_user_role with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.actions_aid with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.api_user_email_notifications with 9 records
      Found table tmp.auth_tokens with 1956 records
      Found table tmp.authmap with 0 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table tmp.autologout with 0 records
      Found table tmp.batch with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table tmp.boxes with 3 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table tmp.cache_content with 166 records
      Found table tmp.cache_filter with 550 records
      Found table tmp.cache_form with 30 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_page with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.cache_views with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.catalog_redirect with 686 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats with 8040296 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total with 229261 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_stats_total_country with 774638 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_tag with 78343 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table tmp.catalog_updates with 13806 records
      Found table tmp.category with 182 records
      Found table tmp.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_data with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_draft with 114470 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_path with 114475 records
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      Found table tmp.content_field_x with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_field_y with 33984 records
      Found table tmp.content_group with 4 records
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      Found table tmp.content_node_field with 88 records
      Found table tmp.content_node_field_instance with 103 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog with 487 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_cover with 34068 records
      Found table tmp.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_contact_information with 89587 records
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      Found table tmp.content_type_product with 1 records
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      Found table tmp.ctools_object_cache with 27 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table tmp.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table tmp.date_formats with 35 records
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      Found table tmp.filefield_meta with 172730 records
      Found table tmp.filefield_paths with 20 records
      Found table tmp.files with 1602894 records
      Found table tmp.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table tmp.filters with 10 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_assets with 53222 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_assets_limit with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_category with 19057 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_colors with 461 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_contact with 92 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_attributes with 65758 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_limit with 313 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download with 83929 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_type with 711 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view with 4437707 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_create_view_total with 5806 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_download_job with 16177 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_library with 306 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download with 273396 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_pdf_download_total with 93364 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_price_point with 3652 records
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      Found table tmp.flyer_section_tag with 1782 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_tag with 69881 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_theme with 31290 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_version with 5907 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view with 698731 records
      Found table tmp.flyer_view_total with 95417 records
      Found table tmp.folder with 1872 records
      Found table tmp.folder_product with 5319 records
      Found table tmp.history with 3803 records
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      Found table tmp.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table tmp.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table tmp.imagecache_action with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.languages with 6 records
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      Found table tmp.locales_target with 7227 records
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      Found table tmp.log_mail with 511760 records
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      Found table tmp.masquerade with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.node_catalog_statistics with 3100 records
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      Found table tmp.nodewords with 37953 records
      Found table tmp.nodewords_custom with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.permission with 8 records
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      Found table tmp.profile_values with 437647 records
      Found table tmp.release_status with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.supplier_featured with 20 records
      Found table tmp.system with 221 records
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      Found table tmp.term_synonym with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_attributes with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table tmp.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_order_comments with 2 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_orders with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
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      Found table tmp.users_variable with 18577 records
      Found table tmp.users_zoomcatalog with 58497 records
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      Found table tmp.zoomcustom_status_history with 5417 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.application_type with 6 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_categories with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_custom_catalogs_personalized_contact with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomapiv2.v_subcompanies with 64555 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_payment_tokens with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.blog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_revslider_navigations with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_terms with 105 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_shipping_zones with 0 records
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      Found table zoomblog.zblog_woocommerce_tax_rates with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_owners with 55 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ad_permissions with 55 records
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      Found table with 55 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_pdf_download_total with 6429 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_redirect with 2291 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_search_position with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_transfers with 6926 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_updates with 38176 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.catalog_view_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.comments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_art_formats_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_artwork_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_asi_number with 51120 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_business_hours with 2658 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cancellation_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_cat_supplier_name with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_emag with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_pdf with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_catalog_size with 1300 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_color_change_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_compressed_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coop_self_promo_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_copy_change_charge with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_coupon_1 with 49 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_credit_cards_accepted with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_customer_service_telephone with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_expiration_date with 182 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_foreign_shipment_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 1211 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_colors with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_imprint_method with 681 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_invoice_recipient_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_less_than_minimum_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_line_name with 26510 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_name with 50003 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_main_contact_telephone_num with 48430 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_changes with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_number with 1391 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_order_product_id with 1390 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_other with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_over_under_run_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_name with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_owner_president_telephone_ with 664 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_page_format with 103484 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_payment_terms with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_ppai_number with 51084 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_pricing_requests_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_description with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_product_ordered with 1242 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_production_time with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_proof_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_purchase_orders_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_regular_phone with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_return_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_returns_email with 686 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_art_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_fax with 519 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_order_email with 680 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_rush_phone with 519 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_email with 710 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sales_manager_name with 710 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_policy with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sample_requests_email with 685 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_screen_setup_charges with 682 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_shipping_fob with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_sidebar_catalogs with 9369 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_spec_sample_charges with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_stats_web_site with 48590 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_time_zone with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_fax with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_toll_free_number with 595 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_upic_number with 50915 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_version with 46615 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_view_catalog with 1180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_field_warranties with 683 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group with 27 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_group_fields with 202 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field with 209 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 305 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_ad_image_side2 with 10 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_admin_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_affiliate_group with 7 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog with 1143 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_page with 84303 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_catalog_upload_class with 5 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_common_profile with 93508 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_coupon with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_dist_opt_out with 14 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_catalog with 61 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_facebook_class with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_faq with 9 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer with 180 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_flyer_upload_class with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.content_type_uploadtest with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.custom_user_url with 527 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_queries with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.devel_times with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.dls with 23 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filefield_paths with 36 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.files with 1800643 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filter_formats with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.filters with 8 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_actions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_counts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flag_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.history with 547 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch with 4643 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.iframesearch_search_queue with 66728 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.infusionsoft with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_access_ip_detail with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.log_mail with 55444 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.menu_router with 1795 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_payment_profiles with 767 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_authorizenet_shipping_profiles with 815 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.ms_memberships with 752 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_privacy_byrole with 3052002 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_revisions with 217913 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_sync with 737 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.node_type with 29 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy with 172308 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodehierarchy_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.nodewords with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.path_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.permission with 13 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_role with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.profile_values with 281799 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.referral_users with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.role with 15 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_export_queue with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_object_map with 2626 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_prematch with 3 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforce_webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.salesforcewebform with 6 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.search_dataset with 470 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats with 175081 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.searchstats_detail with 863860 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_customization with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.site_verify with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.system with 310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.term_check2 with 18015 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.tmp_users with 18187 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_TEST with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_cim_payment_profiles_TEST with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.upload with 86 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.url_alias with 294433 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.variable with 1779 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.views_view with 32 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 40698 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.workflows with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zc_category_items with 15 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_facebook_users with 142 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_favorites with 19265 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_order_hash with 4083 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_keywordsuppliers with 4 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_search_queue with 41262 records
      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_status_history with 11310 records
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      Found table zoomcatalog_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 346565 records
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      Found table with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_attributes with 103453 records
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      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download with 82763 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 2028 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_type with 784 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view with 4871156 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_per_day_total with 3754 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_create_view_total with 11582 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job with 86925 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_download_job_staging_sanmar with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_iframe with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_library with 574 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download with 308719 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_pdf_download_total with 130114 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_price_point with 4238 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section with 659 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_section_tag with 6748 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_shapes with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_tag with 84060 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_theme with 38514 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_version with 7189 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view with 1032213 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_per_day_total with 52380 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_view_total with 135456 records
      Found table zoomcust.flyer_virtuals with 5704 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder with 2653 records
      Found table zoomcust.folder_product with 6671 records
      Found table zoomcust.history with 6806 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_strings with 360 records
      Found table zoomcust.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_source with 190530 records
      Found table zoomcust.locales_target with 9251 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_logins with 499 records
      Found table zoomcust.log_mail with 655658 records
      Found table zoomcust.mail_dispatch with 282 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_custom with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_links with 94526 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust.menu_router with 956 records
      Found table zoomcust.node with 429060 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_access with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 272669 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_catalog_statistics with 3262 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_comment_statistics with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_deleted with 180898 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_revisions with 313359 records
      Found table zoomcust.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 98103 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords with 39897 records
      Found table zoomcust.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.page_title with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_display with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_image_history with 3061 records
      Found table zoomcust.profile_values with 654199 records
      Found table zoomcust.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.rep_distributors with 19781 records
      Found table zoomcust.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.sessions with 55242 records
      Found table zoomcust.subdomain_popup_referer with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_custom_cover with 8692 records
      Found table zoomcust.supplier_featured with 27 records
      Found table zoomcust.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust.tags with 86870 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_countries with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust.uniq_system_log_email with 903 records
      Found table zoomcust.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.url_alias with 391393 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_distributor_migration_status with 51232 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_images with 34196 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_image_sync_status with 2849 records
      Found table zoomcust.user_images_sync_selected with 1810 records
      Found table zoomcust.users with 127360 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_signups with 36893 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_variable with 33848 records
      Found table zoomcust.users_zoomcatalog with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.v_flyers_personalized with 90928 records
      Found table zoomcust.validate_email with 83598 records
      Found table zoomcust.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view with 7287 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 3548 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualcollection_view_total with 1198 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view with 668 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 311 records
      Found table zoomcust.virtualsample_view_total with 236 records
      Found table zoomcust.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.watchdog with 1006 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomalog_user_hash with 83642 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcatalog_tour with 8819 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_search_queue with 12660 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 9982 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_status_history with 6022 records
      Found table zoomcust.zoomcustom_subdomain with 26 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.aes_passwords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.api_user_email_notifications with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.auth_tokens with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autoload_registry_file with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.blocks_roles with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_content with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_filter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_form with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_menu with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_purchase_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redeem_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_redirect with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_stats_total_country with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_token with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.catalog_updates with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_id with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_dimentions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_draft with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_image_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_layout_image with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_logo with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_path with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_referer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_x with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_field_y with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_group_fields with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_node_field_instance with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_cover with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_catalog_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_info with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_contact_information with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_cover_style with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_flyer_expiration with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_frontpage_suppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_look_and_fell with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_spreadsheets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.content_type_subcompany with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_css_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.ctools_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_locale with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_format_types with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.date_formats with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.dnd_flyer_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_meta with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filefield_paths with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.files with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filter_formats with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.filters with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flood with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_assets_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_category with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_colors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_contact with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_attributes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_type with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_create_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_download_job with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_global_settings with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_iframe with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_library with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_pdf_download_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_price_point with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_section_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_shapes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_tag with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_theme with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_version with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.flyer_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.folder_product with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_blocks with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_strings with 134 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.i18n_variable with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_action with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.imagecache_preset with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.languages with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_source with 37925 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.locales_target with 7227 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_logins with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.log_mail with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.mail_dispatch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.masquerade_users with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_custom with 4 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_per_role with 24 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.menu_router with 960 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_cover_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_catalog_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_comment_statistics with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_counter with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_deleted with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 78999 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_layout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_mini with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_pane with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.panels_renderer_pipeline with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_fields with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_image_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.profile_values with 35 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.release_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.rep_distributors with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.semaphore with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.sessions with 23 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.subdomain_popup_referer with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.supplier_featured with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.system with 221 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.tags with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_hierarchy with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_node with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_relation with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.term_synonym with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.theme with 117 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.trigger_assignments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attribute_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_comments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_log with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_order_statuses with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_orders with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_payment_receipts with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.uniq_system_log_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.upload with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.url_alias with 381613 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_images with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_image_sync_status with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.user_images_sync_selected with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users with 127545 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_roles with 130071 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_signups with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_variable with 34696 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.users_zoomcatalog with 93118 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.validate_email with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.variable with 654 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.virtualsample_view_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.visitors_section with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.watchdog with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_emails with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submissions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.webform_submitted_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomalog_user_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcatalog_tour with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_search_queue with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_status_history with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_alpha.zoomcustom_subdomain with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.access with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions with 13 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.actions_aid with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.advanced_help_index with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.aes_passwords with 57186 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.api_user_email_notifications with 15 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.auth_tokens with 43 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.authmap with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autoload_registry_file with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.autologout with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.batch with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks with 176 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.blocks_roles with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.boxes with 3 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.ca_predicates with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_block with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_content with 73 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_filter with 413 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_form with 363 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_menu with 357 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_page with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_update with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.cache_views_data with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_points with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.captcha_sessions with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_assets with 42406 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_custom_covers with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_childs_limit with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_integrity with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_purchase_log with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_redeem_user with 42 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats with 2524795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_per_day_total with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total with 70349 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_stats_total_country with 341310 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_tag with 53159 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_token with 11 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.catalog_updates with 7213 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.category with 182 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.comments with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_id with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_catalog_layout with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_category with 3968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_data with 91973 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_dimentions with 35796 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_draft with 91968 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_featured with 378 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image with 93921 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.content_field_image_cache with 1 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_catalog_statistics with 2185 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.node_type with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodehierarchy_menu_links with 36276 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords with 29455 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.nodewords_custom with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.page_title with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_mini with 2 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.panels_pane with 3 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.permission with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.price_point with 10 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_fields with 21 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_image_history with 89 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.profile_values with 276358 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.release_status with 212 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.rep_distributors with 7923 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.role with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.semaphore with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.supplier_featured with 14 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.system with 221 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_cart_products with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attribute_options with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_class_attributes with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_extra_fields_values with 12 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_admin_comments with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_comments with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_hash with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_line_items with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_log with 25 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_products with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_order_statuses with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_orders with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_paypal_ipn with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_payment_receipts with 7 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_adjustments with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_attributes with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_classes with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_features with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_product_options with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_products with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_store_footers with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uc_zones with 78 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.uniq_system_log_email with 8 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.upload with 0 records
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      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_images with 34803 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_image_sync_status with 22 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.user_images_sync_selected with 127 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users with 58807 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_roles with 58897 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_signups with 26788 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_update_password_hash with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_variable with 972 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.users_zoomcatalog with 10627 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.validate_email with 55795 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.variable with 642 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_display with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_object_cache with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.views_view with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view with 558 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_per_day_total with 9 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualcollection_view_total with 71 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view with 528 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_per_day_total with 4 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.virtualsample_view_total with 110 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.visitors_section with 2024 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.vocabulary_node_types with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.watchdog with 1027 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_component with 6 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_emails with 1 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_last_download with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_roles with 2 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submissions with 604 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.webform_submitted_data with 3014 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.wysiwyg_user with 0 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomalog_user_hash with 56090 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcatalog_tour with 8960 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_kctsuppliers with 5 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_search_queue with 11034 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_flyer_history with 5267 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_status_history with 3254 records
      Found table zoomcust_staging.zoomcustom_subdomain with 19 records
      Found on 2024-04-24 10:50
      73.8 GBytes 302566889 rows
  • Open service

    2024-09-27 20:01

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    2024-09-23 22:03

    MySQL detected
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    2024-09-15 20:12

    MySQL detected
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    2024-09-14 04:56

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    2024-09-14 04:56

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    2024-09-11 21:14

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    2024-09-09 22:11

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    2024-09-09 15:52

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    <p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p>
    Found 2024-09-09 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-07 21:57

    MySQL detected
    Found 2024-09-07 by tcpid
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-17 20:44

    MySQL detected
    Found 2024-08-17 by tcpid
    Create report
Not before:
2023-09-15 00:00
Not after:
2024-09-15 23:59
Not before:
2023-08-18 00:00
Not after:
2024-08-18 23:59
Not before:
2023-12-24 00:00
Not after:
2024-12-23 23:59
Data leak
73.9 GB