CHINA UNICOM China169 Backbone
Linux x86_64
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 5014
    First seen 2024-02-20 01:04
    Last seen 2024-03-07 18:13
    Open for 16 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf7dc33de92f407f234493454efff583056fb8c8a18ee3058

      Databases: 868, row count: 2260602, size: 568.3 MB
      Found table elaw.backtable with 0 records
      Found table elaw.config_table with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_alarm_measure with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_alarmpop_log with 47 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_applyfo_alarm with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_book_template with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_connectstate_report_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_context_config with 5 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_data_time with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_data_time_history with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_document with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_emergency_plan with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_alarm with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_info with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_time with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_total with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_law_book with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_link_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_linkip_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_metro_group with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_metro_item with 26 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_applyfor with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_applytras with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_not_install with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_report with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_report_alarm with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_real_alarm_message with 2 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_report_config with 1 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_safety_mine with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_safety_produc with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_spline_group with 3 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_spline_group_details with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_spline_transducer_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_station_transducer_relation with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_synalarm_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_system_mine_group_ext with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_system_relate with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_system_relate_group with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_trans_exp with 2 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_trans_state with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_user_config_columns with 1 records
      Found table elaw.logtable with 0 records
      Found table elaw.om_t_trans_his_center with 0 records
      Found table elaw.om_t_trans_his_mine with 0 records
      Found table elaw.ps_t_trans_his_center with 0 records
      Found table elaw.ps_t_trans_his_mine with 63 records
      Found table elaw.ss_t_trans_his_center with 0 records
      Found table elaw.ss_t_trans_his_mine with 112 records
      Found table gas.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_interface_real_alarm with 6 records
      Found table gas.ss_interface_real_feed with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_interface_real_transducer with 91 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_adjustment with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_trans_level with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_type with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_type_level with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_mobile with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_trigger with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_analog_info with 49 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_attention_group with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_attention_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_broadcast_auto_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_broadcast_his with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_broadcast_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_city_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_continue_connect with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_county_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_cumulant with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_data_connect with 588 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_feed_mobile with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_feed_trigger with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_gasalarm_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_alarm with 362 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_alarm_10days with 124 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_analog_info with 449 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_cumulant with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_feed with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_poffarea_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_relation_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_station_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_switching_info with 283 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_sysalarm with 806 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180912 with 60506 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180913 with 36466 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180914 with 39502 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180915 with 19481 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180916 with 15743 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180917 with 17737 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180918 with 25073 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180919 with 24457 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180920 with 24958 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180921 with 25700 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180922 with 22103 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180923 with 16366 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180924 with 22128 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180925 with 25356 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180926 with 23830 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180927 with 25457 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180928 with 17491 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180929 with 5426 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_info_init with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_info_update with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_poffarea_config_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_poffarea_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_poffarea_trans_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_alarm with 6 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_cumulant with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_feed with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_realalarm_suspectedtest with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_relation_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_5min with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_config with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_mine with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_mine2018 with 1501 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_station_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_suspectedtest_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_switching_info with 36 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_trans_maintain_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_trans_maintain_his with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_trans_poffarea_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_transducer_state with 8 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_transport_time with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_types_transducer with 44 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_user_config_columns with 0 records
      Found table gasext.backtable with 0 records
      Found table gasext.config_table with 1 records
      Found table gasext.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table gasext.logtable with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_alarm_reason with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_alarm_reason_config with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_forecast_config_mine with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_forecast_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_history_forecast with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_history_union_exp with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_important_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_poff_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_poff_config_type with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_real_forecast with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_real_union_exp with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_report_error with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_threshold_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_threshold_config_type with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_transducer_rule with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_define with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_define_details with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_reason with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_type with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.backtable with 26 records
      Found table hydrology.config_table with 8 records
      Found table hydrology.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.logtable with 26 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_his with 8737 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_config with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_config_his with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_his with 5924 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_real with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_his with 3070 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_overrunalarm_config with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_his with 60 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_config with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_config_his with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_his with 31 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_real with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_area_config with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_area_config_his with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_his with 24 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_point_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_point_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterinrushpoint_his with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterinrushpoint_real with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterquality_his with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterquality_real with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_acceptance_check with 61 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_allowable_driving with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_basic_info with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_basismsg with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_check_plan with 15 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_check_plan_detail with 52 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_check_result with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_checkplace_manager with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_class_manager with 3 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_history_video with 32 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_holemsg with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_machine_account with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_mine_info with 28 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_servermsg with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_stop_notice with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_survey_notice with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_transfer_detection with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_transferdetection_detail with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_upload_information with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_video_lists with 3016 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.dim_org with 1 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.dim_standard with 72 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.initial_fact_value with 24 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.initial_regularly_value with 569 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.patrol_model_result with 1 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.patrol_model_result_detail with 4 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.regularly_model_result with 183 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.regularly_model_result_detail with 12188 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Page with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageInstance with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageProperty with 6 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageTag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageType with 14 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Property with 48 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PropertyType with 18 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Redirect with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Site with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SiteLanguage with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SiteProperty with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SitePropertyDefinition with 2 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SystemInfo with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Tag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.TagContext with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aqpx_pxda with 101390 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aqpx_ryba with 564870 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetroles with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetuserclaims with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetuserlogins with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetuserroles with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetusers with 5 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetversion with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_cproduct with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_dict with 265 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_dict_type with 71 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_grade_msg with 801 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_order with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_order_item with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_product_in_use_cpds with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_wofeature with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_work_order with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_work_order_feature with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_work_order_msg with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.datastore with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_area_resources with 1242 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_assess_index with 31634 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_assess_info with 914 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_cert with 2259 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnose_index with 611194 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnosereport with 10597 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnosereport-bak1113 with 110 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnosereport-bak1113-2 with 3583 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_emergency_plan_adm with 294 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_eqrescue with 1203 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_fcfz with 190 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_gwwhfz with 183 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_eq_eli with 407 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_fee_risk with 5951 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_fee_security with 451 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_gas_pumput_adm with 20 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_kz_check with 638 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_aqgl with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_bz with 470 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_cyry with 543 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_zyjs with 504 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_dig with 459 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_dig_fangchen with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_mine with 377 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_period with 406 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_product with 489 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_standard with 609 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_info with 530 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_juejwork_face with 437 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_layer with 1079 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_paper with 1648 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_photo with 781 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_shaft with 543 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_work_face with 287 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_work_face_msg with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_yjgl with 551 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_person_corpadm with 2132 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_plan with 597 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_shigu with 1596 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_tzzs with 178418 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_tzzs_info with 23888 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_upload_file with 40 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_wsfz with 49 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_wsgl with 7668 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_yhgl with 609 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_yhgl_pczl with 419 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_zyjk_management with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_zyjk_supervice with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_zypx with 1374 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hil_co_mmunicationsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_drainage_systeminfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_emergency_hedgingsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_locomotive_transsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_personnel_positioningsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_power_supply_systeminfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_pressure_airsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_pressureair_selfhelpsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_safety_equipment_facilities with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_safety_monitoringsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_tapetranssys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_three_positions_staff with 6772 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_underinclined_shafthoist with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_ventilation_systeminfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.jm_mines with 140 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping with 1142 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping_copy with 1076 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping_copy1 with 1216 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping_new with 22214 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.minenamemapping with 0 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pageinstance with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pageproperty with 6 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pagetag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pagetype with 14 records
      Found table with 48 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.propertytype with 18 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.redirect with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_jbxx with 925 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_jtmczbxx with 3183 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_kcmc with 2534 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_organization with 856 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_sbdw with 929 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_scxt with 304 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_spdw with 952 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_ssds with 998 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_zjqk with 4354 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.sitelanguage with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.siteproperty with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.sitepropertydefinition with 2 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.ss_t_history_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.system_region with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.system_region_type with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.systeminfo with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate with 1339 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate_pro with 3 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate_type with 49 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate_type- with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tagcontext with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.water_supply_rescuesys with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_scheduler_state with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.schedule_job with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.schedule_job_log with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_captcha with 70 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_config with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_dept with 23 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_dict with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_log with 204 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_menu with 61 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_oss with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_role with 8 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_role_dept with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_role_menu with 147 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_user with 11 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_user_role with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_user_token with 4 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_alarm_date with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_alarm_style with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_alarmreminding with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_cyrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_deep_analysis with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_dic with 16 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_dic_group with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_dis_content with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_equipment_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_fact_index_result with 161 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_fact_index_result_detail with 11747 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_first_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_first_index_model with 24 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_fjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_follow_status with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_glrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_index_model with 5 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_mineinfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_mkjbxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_msg_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_multi_dimensional with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_network_anomaly with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_output_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_param with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_param_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person_index_model with 85 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person_index_model_info with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person_to_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_personnel_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_pervious_sign with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_regularly_index_result with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_regularly_index_result_detail with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_researchtemplate with 523 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_safety_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_second_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_second_index_model with 71 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_sgtj with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_standing_book_work_face with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_third_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_third_index_model with 271 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_third_index_model_1221 with 39 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_violation_category with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_water_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_water_personnel_count with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_zzxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_scheduler_state with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.schedule_job with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.schedule_job_log with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_captcha with 70 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_config with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_dept with 23 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_dict with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_log with 224 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_menu with 61 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_oss with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_role with 8 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_role_dept with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_role_menu with 147 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_user with 11 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_user_role with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_user_token with 4 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_alarm_date with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_alarm_style with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_alarmreminding with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_cyrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_deep_analysis with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_dic with 16 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_dic_group with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_dis_content with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_equipment_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_fact_index_result with 254 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_fact_index_result_detail with 9782 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_first_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_first_index_model with 24 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_fjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_follow_status with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_glrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_index_model with 5 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_mineinfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_mkjbxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_msg_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_multi_dimensional with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_network_anomaly with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_output_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_param with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_param_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person_index_model with 157 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person_index_model_info with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person_to_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_personnel_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_pervious_sign with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_regularly_index_result with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_regularly_index_result_detail with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_researchtemplate with 553 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_safety_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_second_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_second_index_model with 73 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_sgtj with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_standing_book_work_face with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_third_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_third_index_model with 197 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_third_index_model_1221 with 39 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_violation_category with 11 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_water_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_water_personnel_count with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_zzxx with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.backtable with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.filelog with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.logtable with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_administer with 5 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_attachment with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_data_log with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_department with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_department_level with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_department_type with 5 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_dept_logic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_dict_simple with 68 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_dict_simple_group with 15 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_duty with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_economic with 22 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employee_class with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employee_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employee_type with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employees with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employees_contacts with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_flood with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_gas_level with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_homeportal with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_homeportal_menu with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_emp_dept_duty with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_emps_menus with 130 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_emps_roles with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_roles_menus with 636 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_roles_orgs with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_roles_permission with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_lead_type with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_menus with 311 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_basemanagement with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_cert with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_group with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_parentorg with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_process with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_productionfactors with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_productionfactorshis with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_state with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_state_detail with 15 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_subject with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_well with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_modules with 20 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_org_logic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_org_logic_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization_level with 8 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization_parentorg with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization_type with 8 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_permission_object with 85 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_region with 139 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_region_type with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_roles with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_subrelation with 12 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_user_config with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_user_login_his with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_user_online with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_work_type with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_alarm_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_alarm_type with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_projectfile_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_transfer_state_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_alarm_dict with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_analyze_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_analyze_data_2018 with 1383 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_gis_point with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_alarm_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180913 with 43781 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180914 with 184 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180915 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180916 with 276 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180917 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180918 with 276 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180919 with 1577 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180920 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180921 with 461 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180922 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180923 with 277 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180924 with 277 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180925 with 552 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180926 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180927 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180928 with 277 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180929 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_sensor_info with 185 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_transfer_state with 25 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_alarm_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_data with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_transfer_state with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_transfer_state1 with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_sensor_info with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_sensor_state_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_sensor_type with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_temp_alarm_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_transfer_state_dic with 9 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_alarm_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_alarm_type with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_transfer_state with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_projectfile_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_transfer_state_dic with 9 records
      Found table jyeadp_log.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_log.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_log.lg_operation_log with 0 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 40 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 608 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1215 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 583 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 2 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 6 records
      Found table output.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_belt_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_belt_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_city_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_conversion_fill with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_county_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_forecast_config_mine with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_history_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_info_init with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_info_weighter with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_lift_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_lift_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mcar_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mcar_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mine_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mine_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_output_config with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_over_alarm with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_over_alarm_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_rcar_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_rcar_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_real_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_report_config with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_report_day with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_report_hour with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_user_config_columns with 0 records
      Found table person.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_interface_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_interface_real_mine with 1 records
      Found table person.ps_interface_real_result with 30 records
      Found table person.ps_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_alarm_mobile with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_alarm_trigger with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_city_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_continue_connect with 6 records
      Found table person.ps_t_county_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_data_connect with 5 records
      Found table person.ps_t_enter_abnormal_config with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_enter_abnormal_his with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_enter_abnormal_stage with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_alarm with 1036 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_area with 39 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_class with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_person with 1585 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_station with 30 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_mine with 30 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_mine2018 with 8025 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result201808 with 214 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result201809 with 1892 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_leader with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180911 with 137 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180912 with 1039 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180913 with 1013 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180914 with 419 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180919 with 336 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180920 with 1265 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180921 with 944 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180922 with 714 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180923 with 723 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180924 with 986 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180925 with 745 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180926 with 934 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180927 with 845 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180928 with 684 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track_leader with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_spec_should with 6 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_specexp with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_sysalarm with 3 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_area with 2 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_class with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_init with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_person with 223 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_station with 21 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_update with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_mine with 1 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_result with 34 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_spec_should with 6 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_specexp with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_class with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_config with 1 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_day with 13 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_day_dr with 13 records
      Found table person.ps_t_user_config_columns with 0 records
      Found table personext.backtable with 0 records
      Found table personext.config_table with 0 records
      Found table personext.logtable with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_change_shift with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_class_set with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_danger_template with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_equip_info with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_group_leader_config with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_group_leader_record with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_hidden_danger with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_leader_leave with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_leader_should_station with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_licenses with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_plan_leader with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_qualification with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_rule_leader with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_lock_time with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_plan with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_rule with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_station with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_station_check with 0 records
      Found table smcs.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table smcs.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_accident_gisinfo with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_action_his with 112 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_broadcast_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_camera_info with 3 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_device_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_device_system with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_duty_leader with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_alarm with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_plan with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_plan_group with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_plan_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_action with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_action_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_action_type with 5 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_subsystem_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_tel_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_trigger_condition with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_factory_camera_info with 2 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_leak_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_Camera_info with 1 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_broadcast_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_camera_info with 1 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_device_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_gas_info with 101 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_person_info with 10 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_tel_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_relation_group with 5 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_Camera_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_broadcast_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_camera_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_device_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_dyl_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_gas_info with 7 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_group with 2 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_hydrology_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_person_info with 8 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_tel_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_system_info with 5 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_tel_info with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.apk_version with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_check_major_detail with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_check_major_project with 93 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_checkgroup with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_colliery_classes with 3 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_declare_acssesory with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_declare_management with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_major_check_content with 1875 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_major_checkgroup with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_plan with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_planmajor with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.company_colliery with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.company_colliery_user with 97 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.companycolliery_department_management with 15 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_assess_standard_lib with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_danger_assess with 3 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_danger_list with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_education_manage with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_notice_manage with 1 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_regular_check with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_scece_check with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_scenecheck_danger with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_scenecheck_danger_no_plan with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_system with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_accessory with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_address with 66 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_check_assign with 3156 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_check_danger with 3113 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_danger_accept with 2861 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_danger_reform with 2913 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_danger_supervise with 2763 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_describe with 69 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_exalt with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_postpone with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_repository_content with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_repository_type with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_warn_info with 8335 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.log_info with 28059 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.newtable with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.penalty with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.penalty_rules with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.resource_info with 319 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.role_info with 19 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.role_resource with 862 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.role_user_info with 84 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.sta_setting_t with 12 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.system_bluetooth_beacon with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.system_coal_map with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.system_code_master with 228 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.v_company_colliery with 228 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_bzh_plan with 228 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_fjgk_assess_standard_lib with 228 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_fjgk_scenecheck_danger with 228 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_gt_check_danger with 228 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_formulary_supervise with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_plan with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_plan_detail with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_stock with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_work_system with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_train_education with 1 records
      Found on 2024-03-07 18:13
      568.3 MBytes 2260602 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd85c9b88d882b0f05a04116eaefa68dafc666c3c6adf4d2f

      Databases: 868, row count: 2261610, size: 568.3 MB
      Found table elaw.backtable with 0 records
      Found table elaw.config_table with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_alarm_measure with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_alarmpop_log with 47 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_applyfo_alarm with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_book_template with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_connectstate_report_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_context_config with 5 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_data_time with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_data_time_history with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_document with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_emergency_plan with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_alarm with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_info with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_time with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_gasdeal_total with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_law_book with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_link_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_linkip_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_metro_group with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_metro_item with 26 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_applyfor with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_applytras with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_not_install with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_report with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_mine_report_alarm with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_real_alarm_message with 2 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_report_config with 1 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_safety_mine with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_safety_produc with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_spline_group with 3 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_spline_group_details with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_spline_transducer_config with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_station_transducer_relation with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_synalarm_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_system_mine_group_ext with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_system_relate with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_system_relate_group with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_trans_exp with 2 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_trans_state with 0 records
      Found table elaw.el_t_user_config_columns with 1 records
      Found table elaw.logtable with 0 records
      Found table elaw.om_t_trans_his_center with 0 records
      Found table elaw.om_t_trans_his_mine with 0 records
      Found table elaw.ps_t_trans_his_center with 0 records
      Found table elaw.ps_t_trans_his_mine with 63 records
      Found table elaw.ss_t_trans_his_center with 0 records
      Found table elaw.ss_t_trans_his_mine with 112 records
      Found table gas.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_interface_real_alarm with 6 records
      Found table gas.ss_interface_real_feed with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_interface_real_transducer with 91 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_adjustment with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_trans_level with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_type with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_config_type_level with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_mobile with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_alarm_trigger with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_analog_info with 49 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_attention_group with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_attention_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_broadcast_auto_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_broadcast_his with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_broadcast_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_city_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_continue_connect with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_county_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_cumulant with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_data_connect with 940 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_feed_mobile with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_feed_trigger with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_gasalarm_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_alarm with 302 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_alarm_10days with 124 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_analog_info with 523 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_cumulant with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_feed with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_poffarea_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_relation_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_station_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_switching_info with 274 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_sysalarm with 685 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180912 with 63091 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180913 with 50691 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180914 with 34300 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180915 with 17757 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180916 with 20360 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180917 with 17790 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180918 with 17432 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180919 with 28800 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180920 with 23571 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180921 with 32990 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180922 with 22963 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180923 with 14795 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180924 with 23085 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180925 with 29009 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180926 with 18150 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180927 with 31199 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180928 with 17632 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_history_transducer20180929 with 4732 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_info_init with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_info_update with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_poffarea_config_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_poffarea_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_poffarea_trans_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_alarm with 6 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_cumulant with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_feed with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_real_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_realalarm_suspectedtest with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_relation_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_5min with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_config with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_mine with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_report_mine2018 with 1213 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_station_info with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_suspectedtest_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_switching_info with 36 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_trans_maintain_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_trans_maintain_his with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_trans_poffarea_config with 0 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_transducer_state with 8 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_transport_time with 1 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_types_transducer with 44 records
      Found table gas.ss_t_user_config_columns with 0 records
      Found table gasext.backtable with 0 records
      Found table gasext.config_table with 1 records
      Found table gasext.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table gasext.logtable with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_alarm_reason with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_alarm_reason_config with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_forecast_config_mine with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_forecast_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_history_forecast with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_history_union_exp with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_important_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_poff_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_poff_config_type with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_real_forecast with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_real_union_exp with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_report_error with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_threshold_config_transducer with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_threshold_config_type with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_transducer_rule with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_define with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_define_details with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_reason with 0 records
      Found table gasext.ss_t_union_exp_type with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.backtable with 26 records
      Found table hydrology.config_table with 8 records
      Found table hydrology.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.logtable with 26 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_his with 8860 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_displacement_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_config with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_config_his with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_his with 5701 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_gushwater_real with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_his with 2806 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_hydrology_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_overrunalarm_config with 4 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_his with 60 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_pumptest_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_config with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_config_his with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_his with 31 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_rainfall_real with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_area_config with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_area_config_his with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_his with 24 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_point_config with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_point_config_his with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_surface_real with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterinrushpoint_his with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterinrushpoint_real with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterquality_his with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.swdz_waterquality_real with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_acceptance_check with 40 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_allowable_driving with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_basic_info with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_basismsg with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_check_plan with 15 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_check_plan_detail with 52 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_check_result with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_checkplace_manager with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_class_manager with 3 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_history_video with 32 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_holemsg with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_machine_account with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_mine_info with 28 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_servermsg with 2 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_stop_notice with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_survey_notice with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_transfer_detection with 14 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_transferdetection_detail with 0 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_upload_information with 1 records
      Found table hydrology.tfs_video_lists with 3144 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.dim_org with 1 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.dim_standard with 72 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.initial_fact_value with 24 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.initial_regularly_value with 457 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.patrol_model_result with 1 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.patrol_model_result_detail with 4 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.regularly_model_result with 246 records
      Found table jy_crewp_warehouse.regularly_model_result_detail with 12178 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Page with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageInstance with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageProperty with 6 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageTag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PageType with 14 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Property with 48 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.PropertyType with 18 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Redirect with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Site with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SiteLanguage with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SiteProperty with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SitePropertyDefinition with 2 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.SystemInfo with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.Tag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.TagContext with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aqpx_pxda with 101390 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aqpx_ryba with 563451 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetroles with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetuserclaims with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetuserlogins with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetuserroles with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetusers with 5 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.aspnetversion with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_cproduct with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_dict with 265 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_dict_type with 71 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_grade_msg with 801 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_order with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_order_item with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_product_in_use_cpds with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_wofeature with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_work_order with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_work_order_feature with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.cc_work_order_msg with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.datastore with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_area_resources with 1093 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_assess_index with 31686 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_assess_info with 1175 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_cert with 1980 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnose_index with 612175 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnosereport with 10673 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnosereport-bak1113 with 110 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_diagnosereport-bak1113-2 with 3284 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_emergency_plan_adm with 345 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_eqrescue with 1111 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_fcfz with 215 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_gwwhfz with 183 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_eq_eli with 466 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_fee_risk with 5951 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_fee_security with 394 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_gas_pumput_adm with 20 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_kz_check with 673 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_aqgl with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_bz with 467 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_cyry with 483 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_pre_stas_zyjs with 553 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_dig with 709 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_dig_fangchen with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_mine with 345 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_period with 455 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_product_product with 537 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_hyaq_standard with 716 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_info with 530 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_juejwork_face with 348 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_layer with 1121 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_paper with 1522 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_photo with 674 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_shaft with 618 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_work_face with 371 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_work_face_msg with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_mine_yjgl with 530 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_person_corpadm with 2442 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_plan with 549 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_shigu with 1789 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_tzzs with 180035 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_tzzs_info with 23785 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_upload_file with 40 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_wsfz with 49 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_wsgl with 8299 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_yhgl with 577 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_yhgl_pczl with 490 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_zyjk_management with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_zyjk_supervice with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.dcm_zypx with 1371 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hil_co_mmunicationsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_drainage_systeminfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_emergency_hedgingsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_locomotive_transsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_personnel_positioningsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_power_supply_systeminfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_pressure_airsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_pressureair_selfhelpsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_safety_equipment_facilities with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_safety_monitoringsys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_tapetranssys with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_three_positions_staff with 6799 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_underinclined_shafthoist with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.hti_ventilation_systeminfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.jm_mines with 140 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping with 1076 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping_copy with 1213 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping_copy1 with 1180 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.mine_name_mapping_new with 15770 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.minenamemapping with 0 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pageinstance with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pageproperty with 6 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pagetag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.pagetype with 14 records
      Found table with 48 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.propertytype with 18 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.redirect with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_jbxx with 807 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_jtmczbxx with 3192 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_kcmc with 2709 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_organization with 872 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_sbdw with 797 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_scxt with 265 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_spdw with 847 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_ssds with 934 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.scys_zjqk with 4368 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.sitelanguage with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.siteproperty with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.sitepropertydefinition with 2 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.ss_t_history_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.system_region with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.system_region_type with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.systeminfo with 1 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate with 1152 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate_pro with 3 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate_type with 49 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tabledate_type- with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tag with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.tagcontext with 0 records
      Found table jy_dig_coal_mine.water_supply_rescuesys with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_scheduler_state with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.schedule_job with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.schedule_job_log with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_captcha with 70 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_config with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_dept with 23 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_dict with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_log with 173 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_menu with 61 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_oss with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_role with 8 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_role_dept with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_role_menu with 147 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_user with 11 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_user_role with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.sys_user_token with 4 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_alarm_date with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_alarm_style with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_alarmreminding with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_cyrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_deep_analysis with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_dic with 16 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_dic_group with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_dis_content with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_equipment_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_fact_index_result with 185 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_fact_index_result_detail with 11072 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_first_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_first_index_model with 24 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_fjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_follow_status with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_glrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_index_model with 5 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_mineinfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_mkjbxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_msg_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_multi_dimensional with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_network_anomaly with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_output_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_param with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_param_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person_index_model with 85 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person_index_model_info with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_person_to_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_personnel_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_pervious_sign with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_regularly_index_result with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_regularly_index_result_detail with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_researchtemplate with 570 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_safety_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_second_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_second_index_model with 71 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_sgtj with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_standing_book_work_face with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_third_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_third_index_model with 209 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_third_index_model_1221 with 39 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_violation_category with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_water_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_water_personnel_count with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp.t_zzxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_scheduler_state with 2 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.schedule_job with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.schedule_job_log with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_captcha with 70 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_config with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_dept with 23 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_dict with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_log with 226 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_menu with 61 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_oss with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_role with 8 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_role_dept with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_role_menu with 147 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_user with 11 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_user_role with 12 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.sys_user_token with 4 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_alarm_date with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_alarm_style with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_alarmreminding with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_cyrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_deep_analysis with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_dic with 16 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_dic_group with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_dis_content with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_equipment_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_fact_index_result with 229 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_fact_index_result_detail with 9602 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_first_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_first_index_model with 24 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_fjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_follow_status with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_glrytjxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_index_model with 5 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_mineinfo with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_mkjbxx with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_msg_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_multi_dimensional with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_network_anomaly with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_output_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_param with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_param_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person_index_model with 157 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person_index_model_info with 3 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_person_to_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_personnel_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_pervious_sign with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_regularly_index_result with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_regularly_index_result_detail with 1 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_researchtemplate with 547 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_safety_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_second_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_second_index_model with 73 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_sgtj with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_standing_book_work_face with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_third_index_data with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_third_index_model with 197 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_third_index_model_1221 with 39 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_violation_category with 11 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_water_info with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_water_personnel_count with 0 records
      Found table jy_mcrewp_01.t_zzxx with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.backtable with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.filelog with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.logtable with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_administer with 5 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_attachment with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_data_log with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_department with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_department_level with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_department_type with 5 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_dept_logic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_dict_simple with 68 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_dict_simple_group with 15 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_duty with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_economic with 22 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employee_class with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employee_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employee_type with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employees with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_employees_contacts with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_flood with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_gas_level with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_homeportal with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_homeportal_menu with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_emp_dept_duty with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_emps_menus with 130 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_emps_roles with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_roles_menus with 578 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_roles_orgs with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_inter_roles_permission with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_lead_type with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_menus with 327 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_basemanagement with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_cert with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_group with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_parentorg with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_process with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_productionfactors with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_productionfactorshis with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_state with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_state_detail with 15 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_subject with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_mine_well with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_modules with 20 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_org_logic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_org_logic_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization_level with 8 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization_parentorg with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_organization_type with 8 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_permission_object with 85 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_region with 139 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_region_type with 6 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_roles with 3 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_subrelation with 12 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_user_config with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_user_login_his with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_user_online with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp.system_work_type with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_alarm_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_alarm_type with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_history_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_projectfile_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_real_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.me_transfer_state_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_alarm_dict with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_analyze_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_analyze_data_2018 with 1383 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_gis_point with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_alarm_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180913 with 38614 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180914 with 184 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180915 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180916 with 276 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180917 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180918 with 276 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180919 with 1577 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180920 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180921 with 461 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180922 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180923 with 277 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180924 with 277 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180925 with 553 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180926 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180927 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180928 with 277 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_data_20180929 with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_sensor_info with 185 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_history_transfer_state with 25 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_alarm_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_data with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_transfer_state with 1 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_real_transfer_state1 with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_sensor_info with 92 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_sensor_state_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_sensor_type with 4 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_temp_alarm_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_dyl.mp_transfer_state_dic with 9 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_alarm_dic with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_alarm_type with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_history_transfer_state with 2 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_projectfile_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_channel_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_channel_info with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_data with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_sumstatistics with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_real_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_transfer_state with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_kz.me_transfer_state_dic with 9 records
      Found table jyeadp_log.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_log.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table jyeadp_log.lg_operation_log with 0 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 40 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 608 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1215 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 583 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 2 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 6 records
      Found table output.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_belt_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_belt_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_city_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_conversion_fill with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_county_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_forecast_config_mine with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_history_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_info_init with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_info_weighter with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_lift_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_lift_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mcar_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mcar_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mine_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_mine_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_output_config with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_over_alarm with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_over_alarm_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_rcar_output with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_rcar_output_real with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_real_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_report_config with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_report_day with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_report_hour with 0 records
      Found table output.om_t_user_config_columns with 0 records
      Found table person.data_sync with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_interface_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_interface_real_mine with 1 records
      Found table person.ps_interface_real_result with 30 records
      Found table person.ps_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_alarm_mobile with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_alarm_trigger with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_city_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_continue_connect with 6 records
      Found table person.ps_t_county_timepoint with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_data_connect with 5 records
      Found table person.ps_t_enter_abnormal_config with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_enter_abnormal_his with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_enter_abnormal_stage with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_alarm with 1036 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_area with 39 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_class with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_person with 1486 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_info_station with 30 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_mine with 30 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_mine2018 with 6155 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result201808 with 259 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result201809 with 1586 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_leader with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180911 with 137 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180912 with 1124 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180913 with 881 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180914 with 402 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180919 with 547 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180920 with 1278 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180921 with 734 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180922 with 1002 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180923 with 723 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180924 with 338 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180925 with 785 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180926 with 782 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180927 with 845 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track20180928 with 592 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_result_track_leader with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_spec_should with 6 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_specexp with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_history_sysalarm with 3 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_area with 2 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_class with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_init with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_person with 223 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_station with 21 records
      Found table person.ps_t_info_update with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_alarm with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_mine with 1 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_result with 34 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_spec_should with 6 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_specexp with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_real_sysalarm with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_class with 0 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_config with 1 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_day with 13 records
      Found table person.ps_t_report_day_dr with 13 records
      Found table person.ps_t_user_config_columns with 0 records
      Found table personext.backtable with 0 records
      Found table personext.config_table with 0 records
      Found table personext.logtable with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_change_shift with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_class_set with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_danger_template with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_equip_info with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_group_leader_config with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_group_leader_record with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_hidden_danger with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_leader_leave with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_leader_should_station with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_licenses with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_plan_leader with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_qualification with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_rule_leader with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_lock_time with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_plan with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_rule with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_shift_station with 0 records
      Found table personext.ps_t_station_check with 0 records
      Found table smcs.dict_dict_simple with 0 records
      Found table smcs.dict_dict_simple_group with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_accident_gisinfo with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_action_his with 112 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_broadcast_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_camera_info with 3 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_device_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_device_system with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_duty_leader with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_alarm with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_plan with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_plan_group with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_emergency_plan_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_action with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_action_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_action_type with 5 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_subsystem_alarm_config with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_tel_his with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_ep_trigger_condition with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_factory_camera_info with 2 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_leak_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_Camera_info with 1 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_broadcast_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_camera_info with 1 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_device_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_gas_info with 101 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_person_info with 10 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_rela_tel_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_relation_group with 5 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_Camera_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_broadcast_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_camera_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_device_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_dyl_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_gas_info with 7 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_group with 2 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_hydrology_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_person_info with 8 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_special_tel_info with 0 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_system_info with 5 records
      Found table smcs.smcs_tel_info with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.apk_version with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_check_major_detail with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_check_major_project with 93 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_checkgroup with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_colliery_classes with 3 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_declare_acssesory with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_declare_management with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_major_check_content with 1883 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_major_checkgroup with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_plan with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.bzh_planmajor with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.company_colliery with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.company_colliery_user with 97 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.companycolliery_department_management with 15 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_assess_standard_lib with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_danger_assess with 3 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_danger_list with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_education_manage with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_notice_manage with 1 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_regular_check with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_scece_check with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_scenecheck_danger with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_scenecheck_danger_no_plan with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.fjgk_system with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_accessory with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_address with 66 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_check_assign with 2847 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_check_danger with 3050 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_danger_accept with 2847 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_danger_reform with 2982 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_danger_supervise with 2773 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_describe with 52 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_exalt with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_postpone with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_repository_content with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_repository_type with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.gt_warn_info with 9149 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.log_info with 21849 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.newtable with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.penalty with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.penalty_rules with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.resource_info with 278 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.role_info with 19 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.role_resource with 802 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.role_user_info with 84 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.sta_setting_t with 12 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.system_bluetooth_beacon with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.system_coal_map with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.system_code_master with 269 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.v_company_colliery with 269 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_bzh_plan with 269 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_fjgk_assess_standard_lib with 269 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_fjgk_scenecheck_danger with 269 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.view_gt_check_danger with 269 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_formulary_supervise with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_plan with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_plan_detail with 0 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_stock with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_hidden_work_system with 2 records
      Found table swyt-nmg.yhpc_train_education with 1 records
      Found on 2024-02-20 01:04
      568.3 MBytes 2261610 rows
Data leak
568.3 MB
Domain summary
No record