The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b375088e1
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 26-Jan-2023 12:11:13 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:17 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 14 days 13 hours 51 minutes 55 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 4127 - Total Traffic: 25.0 MB - Total Duration: 591894 .00328 requests/sec - 20 B/second - 6.2 kB/request - 143.42 ms/request 4 requests currently being processed, 60 idle workers ____________________________________________________________CCWC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-1212360/0/2_ 5371804240.00.000.03 /ip_esina_zup/e1cib/tempstorage/31ab99de-0bb0-4224-a957-564 0-1212361/635/642C 00989880.24.234.42 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-1212361/923/934C 001513280.25.775.87 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-1212360/0/1004W 001552080.00.005.87 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-1212361/1543/1545C 001863440.28.738.79 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b57f14299
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Tuesday, 24-Jan-2023 07:40:48 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:21 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 2 Server uptime: 12 days 9 hours 21 minutes 27 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 3297 - Total Traffic: 20.0 MB - Total Duration: 517758 .00308 requests/sec - 19 B/second - 6.2 kB/request - 157.039 ms/request 11 requests currently being processed, 53 idle workers _____________________________________________________WWWWWCCWWCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-2267161/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-2267161/1/1C 0110.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-2267160/0/0L 0110.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-2267160/0/0W 0110.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-2267161/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-2267161/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-2267161/1/7C 00570.20.000.14 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-2267160/0/2704W 004180360.00.0014.87 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-2267161/1/9C 00680.20.000.32 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-2267161/1/8C 00520.20.000.32 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-2267161/8/569C 00995430.20.004.40 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b4962d6e3
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 23-Jan-2023 16:20:55 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 11 days 18 hours 1 minute 36 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 1881 - Total Traffic: 13.9 MB - Total Duration: 367957 .00185 requests/sec - 14 B/second - 7.6 kB/request - 195.618 ms/request 6 requests currently being processed, 58 idle workers ________________________________________________________C__CWWWW Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-125121/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-125121/1/6C 00610.20.000.24 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-125120/0/6W 00620.00.000.22 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-125121/1/1132C 001600570.20.006.17 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-125120/0/400W 001243350.00.003.74 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-125120/331/337W 00834400.03.363.52 /server-status HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b6f441eec
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 09-Jan-2023 19:44:37 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:33 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 2 days 4 hours 5 minutes 4 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 3 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 6 1.6e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 2 ms/request 4 requests currently being processed, 60 idle workers _________________WC_______________________________________C____W Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-066720/0/0W 0175456770400.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-066721/2/2C 0140.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-066721/1/1C 0120.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-066720/0/0W 0175456770400.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b263e4910
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 23-Jan-2023 11:33:10 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 11 days 13 hours 13 minutes 51 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 30 - Total Traffic: 3 kB - Total Duration: 30 3.01e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 102 B/request - 1 ms/request 5 requests currently being processed, 59 idle workers ___________________________________________________________WCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-1112680/0/0W 057445525900.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-1112681/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-1112681/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-1112681/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-1112681/3/27C 00290.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b63536e50
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Sunday, 22-Jan-2023 23:24:08 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:21 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 11 days 1 hour 4 minutes 47 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 4031 - Total Traffic: 20.2 MB - Total Duration: 550546 .00422 requests/sec - 22 B/second - 5.1 kB/request - 136.578 ms/request 10 requests currently being processed, 54 idle workers _____________________________________________________WCC_CCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-1117360/0/0W 061819651100.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-1117361/1/8C 01840.20.000.29 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/1/7C 00780.20.000.35 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/1/9C 001040.20.000.26 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/1/10C 00890.20.000.24 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-1117361/727/3993C 015501870.05.2019.07 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b1fedc095
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Sunday, 22-Jan-2023 13:48:57 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 10 days 15 hours 29 minutes 38 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 19259 - Total Traffic: 46.0 MB - Total Duration: 1416515 .0209 requests/sec - 52 B/second - 2506 B/request - 73.5508 ms/request 9 requests currently being processed, 55 idle workers _______________________________________________________RWCWCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-184320/0/0R 110334000.00.000.00 0-184320/0/0W 065270831700.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-184321/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-184321/1/4C 01320.20.000.13 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-184321/1/868C 01380070.20.001.99 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-184321/1/6C 00590.20.000.12 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-184321/1/9332C 007229980.20.0020.37 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-184321/1/4C 01270.20.000.18 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-184321/2/9045C 016553900.00.0023.24 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b2607753b
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Sunday, 22-Jan-2023 04:42:32 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:17 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 10 days 6 hours 23 minutes 14 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 2344 - Total Traffic: 13.8 MB - Total Duration: 333371 .00264 requests/sec - 16 B/second - 6.0 kB/request - 142.223 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________RCWWCCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-1197760/0/0R 164640000.00.000.00 0-1197761/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-1197760/0/0W 068549271100.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-1197761/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/1/3C 00190.00.000.11 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/1/1167C 001934070.20.006.73 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/1/5C 00370.20.000.10 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/6/8C 00570.20.190.31 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-1197761/1155/1157C 001398470.06.506.56 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b0d5d4971
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Sunday, 22-Jan-2023 03:23:15 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 10 days 5 hours 3 minutes 57 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 458 - Total Traffic: 3.2 MB - Total Duration: 110848 .000519 requests/sec - 3 B/second - 7.1 kB/request - 242.026 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers _________________________________________________RR__R_RRWRRRRRW Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-149840/0/0R 72812000.00.000.00 0-149840/0/0R 72812000.00.000.00 0-149840/0/0R 72812000.00.000.00 0-149840/0/0R 72812000.00.000.00 0-149840/0/0R 72812000.00.000.00 0-149840/5/5W 0020.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-149840/0/0R 72812000.00.000.00 0-149840/0/29R 728121580.00.000.09 0-149840/0/1R 728126120.00.000.04 0-149840/0/2R 728122130.00.000.04 0-149840/0/5R 728123110.00.000.04 0-149841/1/417C 001107510.20.002.96 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b79f08c2b
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 04-Jan-2023 16:18:32 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Sunday, 01-Jan-2023 21:12:08 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 2 days 19 hours 6 minutes 23 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 5 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 7 2.07e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 1.4 ms/request 9 requests currently being processed, 55 idle workers ____________________________________________CW____WWWW____CC_C__ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-054961/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-054960/0/0W 0000.00.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-054960/0/0W 0000.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-054960/0/0W 0000.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-054960/0/0W 0110.00.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-054960/0/0W 0110.00.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-054961/1/1C 0010.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-054961/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-054961/2/2C 0050.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b87b62f1c
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Saturday, 21-Jan-2023 10:57:16 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:21 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 9 days 12 hours 37 minutes 55 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 17858 - Total Traffic: 44.6 MB - Total Duration: 1391281 .0217 requests/sec - 56 B/second - 2616 B/request - 77.908 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________WCCCCCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-1174560/0/0W 074940928600.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-1174561/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/5C 01300.20.000.08 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/5779C 004097930.20.0011.89 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/3C 00180.00.000.18 / HTTP/1.1 0-1174561/1/10272C 008449310.20.0027.71 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-1174561/3/1793C 011365030.00.004.69 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b7acbeb30
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Saturday, 21-Jan-2023 10:30:46 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 9 days 12 hours 11 minutes 28 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 19860 - Total Traffic: 50.2 MB - Total Duration: 1719249 .0242 requests/sec - 64 B/second - 2648 B/request - 86.5684 ms/request 4 requests currently being processed, 60 idle workers ____________________________________________________________RWCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-1128560/0/3_ 120116280.00.000.22 /ip_posadneva/e1cib/tempstorage/09f54980-2c32-45c0-8708-687 0-1128560/0/9800W 008990360.00.0025.20 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-1128560/0/2059W 00799480.00.005.13 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-1128561/1/7788C 006709040.20.0019.03 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-1128561/2/210C 00693310.20.000.57 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b0b264371
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 06:09:35 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:34 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 14 hours 30 minutes 1 second Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 14126 - Total Traffic: 45.1 MB - Total Duration: 4032205 .0454 requests/sec - 151 B/second - 3349 B/request - 285.446 ms/request 3 requests currently being processed, 61 idle workers __________________________________________________________WCW___ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-070480/1506/1506W 001572740.03.583.58 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-070481/1719/1719C 008046230.03.623.62 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-070480/2143/2143W 005265550.010.5410.54 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-070480/8/8_ 66739347190.00.120.12 /ip_posadneva/e1cib/tempstorage/1464708a-e5f5-45fb-9e4a-658 0-070480/8741/8741_ 455061625388060.027.0527.05 /ip_posadneva/e1cib/tempstorage/7c6043fb-3c9e-454d-8041-862 0-070480/9/9_ 4550652240.00.210.21 /ip_posadneva/e1cib/tempstorage/933794af-79af-4b83-bcbb-414 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b1a33cf7d
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Saturday, 21-Jan-2023 02:33:32 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 9 days 4 hours 14 minutes 14 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 18885 - Total Traffic: 44.4 MB - Total Duration: 1442139 .0238 requests/sec - 58 B/second - 2467 B/request - 76.3643 ms/request 5 requests currently being processed, 59 idle workers __________________________________________________________WCWW_W Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-053600/0/0R 792850000.00.000.00 0-053601/833/833C 00419210.21.441.44 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-053601/9288/9288C 007507620.022.1622.16 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-053600/4/4W 00340.00.170.17 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-053601/6/6C 00350.00.170.17 / HTTP/1.1 0-053600/2/2W 00170.00.130.13 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-053600/8754/8754W 006493700.020.3620.36 /server-status HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9ba623abaa
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 11:26:12 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:32 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 19 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 5824 - Total Traffic: 18.0 MB - Total Duration: 655414 .0176 requests/sec - 57 B/second - 3236 B/request - 112.537 ms/request 2 requests currently being processed, 62 idle workers ____________________________________________________________K__W Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-056520/2/2_ 7911832870.00.060.06 /ip_karaseva/e1cib/tempstorage/abd99ff1-d059-415d-be7b-e097 0-056522/1731/1731K 262393740.86.646.64 /ip_karaseva/e1cib/modules/call?id=urn%3Amodule%3Amd%3Adb1 0-056520/2/2_ 7911822880.00.130.13 /ip_karaseva/e1cib/tempstorage/1915216d-3c3e-4d0e-b3d9-7896 0-056520/6/6_ 69710103400.00.160.16 /ip_karaseva/e1cib/modules/call?id=urn%3Amodule%3Amd%3Adb1 0-056520/4083/4083W 004151230.010.9910.99 /server-status HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b2170ca50
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Saturday, 21-Jan-2023 00:53:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 9 days 2 hours 34 minutes 1 second Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 18824 - Total Traffic: 45.3 MB - Total Duration: 1553208 .0239 requests/sec - 60 B/second - 2523 B/request - 82.5121 ms/request 11 requests currently being processed, 53 idle workers __________________________________________C___________WCCCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-055681/1002/1002C 011043270.22.242.24 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-055680/0/0W 078564563900.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-055681/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-055681/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-055681/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-055681/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-055681/4/4C 00260.20.080.08 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-055681/9818/9818C 016613430.020.4420.44 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-055681/4/4C 00390.20.150.15 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-055681/911/911C 00545440.22.782.78 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-055681/7081/7081C 007329240.019.6119.61 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bba027636
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 09-Jan-2023 09:29:21 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:31 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 17 hours 49 minutes 50 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 764 - Total Traffic: 3.7 MB - Total Duration: 138209 .00507 requests/sec - 25 B/second - 5058 B/request - 180.902 ms/request 8 requests currently being processed, 56 idle workers ________________________________________________________WWWCWWCW Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-051120/0/0W 0179148423500.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-051120/0/0W 0179148423600.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-051120/0/0W 0179148423500.00.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-051121/2/2C 012510.00.090.09 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-051120/2/2W 002500.00.040.04 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-051120/1/1W 002490.00.040.04 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-051121/758/758C 001372120.23.473.47 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-051120/1/1W 002450.00.040.04 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b364e1661
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Saturday, 21-Jan-2023 00:00:52 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 1 Server uptime: 9 days 1 hour 41 minutes 33 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 2420 - Total Traffic: 21.9 MB - Total Duration: 485797 .00309 requests/sec - 29 B/second - 9.3 kB/request - 200.743 ms/request 9 requests currently being processed, 55 idle workers ________________________________________________CCWCCCCCC_______ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-151081/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-151081/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-151080/0/0W 078879262900.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-151081/60/60C 00261680.22.452.45 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-151081/18/18C 009820.20.130.13 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-151081/676/676C 001705910.26.066.06 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-151081/113/113C 00200060.00.620.62 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-151081/15/15C 007720.20.060.06 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-151081/20/20C 0014240.20.450.45 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-151080/0/1_ 6312533660.00.000.00 /ip_petrova_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/pictureCollection/picture/0_7c2 0-151080/0/77_ 631253286940.00.002.55 /ip_petrova_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/history?cmd=addHistoryItems&se 0-151080/0/8_ 6312501450.00.000.08 /ip_petrova_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/misc?cmd=syncLFEFChoiceHistory 0-151080/0/10_ 6312514030.00.000.20 /ip_petrova_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/pictureCollection/picture/0_ece 0-151080/0/13_ 63125495360.00.000.23 /ip_petrova_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/userSettings?cmd=saveArray&sea 0-151080/0/1359_ 6312512247070.00.008.69 0-151080/0/48_ 631250112960.00.000.42 /ip_petrova_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/logout?seanceId=dcb2cc8d-9736- SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b94c393ed
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 09-Jan-2023 14:23:26 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:34 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 22 hours 43 minutes 52 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 5 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 5 2.97e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 1 ms/request 8 requests currently being processed, 56 idle workers ______________________________________________________RRRR_R_CWC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-069840/0/0R 168230000.00.000.00 0-069840/0/0R 168230000.00.000.00 0-069840/0/0R 168230000.00.000.00 0-069841/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-069840/0/0R 168230000.00.000.00 0-069841/4/4C 0050.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-069840/0/0W 0177383856300.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-069841/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b65b68b65
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 20-Jan-2023 20:09:34 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 8 days 21 hours 50 minutes 14 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 2499 - Total Traffic: 10.3 MB - Total Duration: 332658 .00325 requests/sec - 14 B/second - 4327 B/request - 133.116 ms/request 8 requests currently being processed, 56 idle workers ____________________________________________________WWCC_CWCC___ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-065400/1/1W 0000.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-065401/2/2C 0040.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-065401/4/4C 00180.20.090.09 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-065401/4/4C 01190.20.040.04 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-065400/2/2_ 395638020.00.000.00 /api/search?folderIds=0 HTTP/1.1 0-065401/3/3C 00100.20.040.04 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-065400/1/1W 0020.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-065401/2215/2215C 002465010.27.437.43 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-065401/5/5C 01190.00.130.13 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-065400/3/3_ 3956370160.00.040.04 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-065400/3/3_ 3956380110.00.040.04 /v2/_catalog HTTP/1.1 0-065400/257/257_ 3956370860560.02.492.49 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b765b565c
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:15:35 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 4 days 7 hours 56 minutes 14 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 262 - Total Traffic: 2.7 MB - Total Duration: 86097 .0007 requests/sec - 7 B/second - 10.6 kB/request - 328.615 ms/request 11 requests currently being processed, 53 idle workers _____________________________________________________WWWWWWWWWCL Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-065400/0/0W 0119831000700.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-065400/0/0W 0119831000800.00.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-065400/0/0W 0119831000800.00.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-065400/0/0W 0119831000800.00.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-065400/0/0W 0119831000800.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-065400/0/0W 0119831000800.00.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-065400/0/0W 0119831000800.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-065400/1/1W 00120.00.040.04 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-065401/2/2C 0180.20.090.09 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-065401/3/3C 00160.20.040.04 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-065401/2/2C 0090.00.040.04 / HTTP/1.1 0-065401/257/257C 00860560.22.492.49 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bebe8c181
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 05-Jan-2023 13:41:31 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Sunday, 01-Jan-2023 21:12:09 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 16 hours 29 minutes 22 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 11 - Total Traffic: 1 kB - Total Duration: 15 3.45e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 93 B/request - 1.36364 ms/request 11 requests currently being processed, 53 idle workers _________________________C____CCC__________WCC____C_CC_______C__ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-060361/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0110.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-060360/0/0W 0212195369800.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0010.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-060361/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-060361/2/2C 0160.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b712d7d3d
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 20-Jan-2023 12:19:43 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Thursday, 19-Jan-2023 20:07:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 16 hours 12 minutes 23 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 1608 - Total Traffic: 12.8 MB - Total Duration: 250751 .0276 requests/sec - 229 B/second - 8.1 kB/request - 155.94 ms/request 5 requests currently being processed, 59 idle workers _________________________________________________________C_CRW_W Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-0272521/1147/1147C 001774130.28.488.48 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-0272520/14/14_ 582571712080.00.150.15 /ip_bolshakov_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/pictureCollection/picture/0_a 0-0272521/195/195C 01197850.20.810.81 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-0272520/18/18W 0011920.00.060.06 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-0272521/115/115C 01197970.20.520.52 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-0272520/29/29_ 58257314860.00.150.15 /ip_bolshakov_zup/ru_RU/e1cib/pictureCollection/picture/0_f 0-0272520/91/91W 00298710.02.602.60 /server-status HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bdb0e3cfa
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 12-Jan-2023 08:46:14 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 10 hours 26 minutes 53 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 8 - Total Traffic: 1 kB - Total Duration: 11 .000213 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 128 B/request - 1.375 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ________________________________________R____RWCC____CCWW____CCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-071560/0/0R 37611000.00.000.00 0-071560/0/0R 37611000.00.000.00 0-071560/0/0L 0110.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-071561/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-071561/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-071561/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-071561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-071560/0/0W 0153487081700.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-071561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-071561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-071561/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-071561/2/2C 0120.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bdd0b761f
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 20-Jan-2023 04:38:25 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 8 days 6 hours 19 minutes 7 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 14950 - Total Traffic: 37.0 MB - Total Duration: 1327928 .0209 requests/sec - 54 B/second - 2594 B/request - 88.8246 ms/request 10 requests currently being processed, 54 idle workers _______W________________________________________C_____CCC__CCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-052680/8204/8204W 008073090.023.6923.69 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3/3C 0000.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-052681/2/2C 0020.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3/3C 0040.00.010.01 / HTTP/1.1 0-052681/2/2C 0010.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-052680/2/2_ 16214110.00.000.00 /api/search?folderIds=0 HTTP/1.1 0-052680/2/2_ 16214000.00.000.00 /v2/_catalog HTTP/1.1 0-052681/6/6C 00240.20.080.08 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3676/3676C 002787240.26.976.97 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3/3C 0070.20.040.04 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-052681/8/8C 00270.20.130.13 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3039/3039C 002418250.26.066.06 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b272a3acb
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 20-Jan-2023 00:08:11 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 8 days 1 hour 48 minutes 53 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 14931 - Total Traffic: 37.0 MB - Total Duration: 1327916 .0214 requests/sec - 55 B/second - 2597 B/request - 88.9368 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers _______C________________________________________C_____WWCCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-052681/8204/8204C 008073090.223.6923.69 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-052681/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-052680/0/0W 0110.00.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-052680/0/0W 087475390200.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-052681/1/1C 0110.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-052681/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-052681/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-052681/5/5C 00240.20.080.08 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3675/3675C 002787240.26.976.97 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-052681/2/2C 0160.20.040.04 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3/3C 01230.20.130.13 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-052681/3038/3038C 012418250.26.066.06 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b8256f0fd
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 20-Jan-2023 04:05:00 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 8 days 5 hours 45 minutes 41 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 16548 - Total Traffic: 38.5 MB - Total Duration: 1354296 .0232 requests/sec - 56 B/second - 2440 B/request - 81.8405 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________WCCCCCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-058200/0/0W 086054539400.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-058201/1/1C 0110.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-058201/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-058201/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-058201/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-058201/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-058201/3/3C 00120.20.040.04 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-058201/1186/1186C 00348570.22.272.27 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-058201/4/4C 01270.20.220.22 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-058201/298/298C 01761990.20.810.81 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-058201/4161/4161C 003019580.28.448.44 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-058201/10891/10891C 009412330.026.7326.73 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b751095ce
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 00:03:36 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:33 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 8 hours 24 minutes 3 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 4519 - Total Traffic: 10.6 MB - Total Duration: 467386 .0156 requests/sec - 38 B/second - 2460 B/request - 103.427 ms/request 4 requests currently being processed, 60 idle workers ____________________________________________________________WCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-067480/1413/1413W 001810570.04.744.74 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-067481/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-067481/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-067481/3104/3104C 002863250.05.875.87 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b2f89a910
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 19-Jan-2023 19:04:55 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 7 days 20 hours 45 minutes 35 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 15124 - Total Traffic: 37.5 MB - Total Duration: 1310317 .0223 requests/sec - 57 B/second - 2600 B/request - 86.6383 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________RRWCWCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-065480/0/0W 089294981100.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-065480/0/0R 679532000.00.000.00 0-065481/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-065481/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-065480/0/0W 089294981100.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-065481/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-065481/3/3C 00290.00.180.18 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-065481/4/4C 00240.20.080.08 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-065481/4459/4459C 013833810.210.0210.02 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-065481/2/2C 0050.20.040.04 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-065481/4157/4157C 004020750.210.4810.48 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-065481/6497/6497C 015247990.216.7116.71 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b37788df1
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 19-Jan-2023 15:35:05 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:17 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 7 days 17 hours 15 minutes 48 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 15147 - Total Traffic: 34.9 MB - Total Duration: 1098024 .0227 requests/sec - 54 B/second - 2414 B/request - 72.4912 ms/request 13 requests currently being processed, 51 idle workers _______________________C____________________________WCCCCCCCCKCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-050081/6191/6191C 014472460.214.9014.90 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-050080/0/0W 090553968900.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-050081/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-050081/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-050081/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-050081/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-050081/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-050081/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-050081/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-050081/871/871C 00904980.22.612.61 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-050081/6278/6278K 0114973230.514.0814.08 /ip_esina/e1cib/modules/call?id=urn%3Amodule%3Amd%3Adb1f2f 0-050081/4/4C 00190.20.080.08 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-050081/1796/1796C 00629340.23.223.22 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b9b98bb7e
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 19-Jan-2023 15:31:15 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 7 days 17 hours 11 minutes 56 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 14893 - Total Traffic: 34.5 MB - Total Duration: 1247814 .0223 requests/sec - 54 B/second - 2431 B/request - 83.7853 ms/request 13 requests currently being processed, 51 idle workers ___________________________________________________RRRCWWWRCCCKC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-056240/0/0R 666713000.00.000.00 0-056240/0/0R 666713000.00.000.00 0-056240/0/0R 666713000.00.000.00 0-056241/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-056241/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-056241/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-056240/0/0W 090577012500.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-056240/0/0R 666713000.00.000.00 0-056241/4763/4763C 004405880.210.8110.81 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-056241/4/4C 01230.00.080.08 / HTTP/1.1 0-056241/4/4C 00280.00.080.08 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-056242/6102/6102K 2124475930.813.8413.84 /ip_osmolovskaya/e1cib/modules/call?id=urn%3Amodule%3Amd%3 0-056241/4019/4019C 013595770.29.729.72 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b69fca1b0
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 19-Jan-2023 01:48:27 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 7 days 3 hours 29 minutes 8 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 14322 - Total Traffic: 33.7 MB - Total Duration: 1088042 .0232 requests/sec - 57 B/second - 2465 B/request - 75.97 ms/request 9 requests currently being processed, 55 idle workers _______________________________________________________RRWCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-056080/0/0W 095513808800.00.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-056080/0/0R 617345000.00.000.00 0-056080/0/0W 095513808800.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-056081/2/2C 0140.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-056081/7014/7014C 005650290.216.4216.42 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-056081/1763/1763C 00786680.23.263.26 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-056081/5245/5245C 013981180.213.1613.16 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-056081/3/3C 00160.00.110.11 / HTTP/1.1 0-056081/295/295C 00462040.00.740.74 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b0d3aaf68
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 05-Jan-2023 10:30:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Sunday, 01-Jan-2023 21:12:09 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 13 hours 18 minutes 10 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 2 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 6 6.51e-6 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 3 ms/request 9 requests currently being processed, 55 idle workers ___________________________________________W____WWWC____WWWW____ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-058600/0/0W 0213342578200.00.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-058600/0/0W 0213342578200.00.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-058600/0/0W 0213342578300.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-058600/0/0W 0213342578300.00.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-058601/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-058600/0/0W 0213342578300.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-058600/0/0W 0110.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-058600/0/0W 0213342578300.00.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-058600/1/1W 0030.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b51799217
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 18-Jan-2023 23:07:11 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 7 days 47 minutes 52 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 100 - Total Traffic: 303.2 MB - Total Duration: 548 .000165 requests/sec - 523 B/second - 3.0 MB/request - 5.48 ms/request 8 requests currently being processed, 56 idle workers ____________________________________________________RRRR____WWWW Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-057200/0/0R 607668000.00.000.00 0-057200/0/0R 607668000.00.000.00 0-057200/0/0R 607668000.00.000.00 0-057200/0/0R 607668000.00.000.00 0-057200/0/0L 0110.00.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-057200/0/0W 096481397100.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-057201/49/49C 013500.2207.85207.85 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-057201/53/53C 012010.295.3195.31 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b97977ee7
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 18-Jan-2023 18:15:10 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 6 days 19 hours 55 minutes 50 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 1065 - Total Traffic: 6.7 MB - Total Duration: 201413 .0018 requests/sec - 11 B/second - 6.4 kB/request - 189.12 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________RRRRRCWWRWWW Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-063040/0/0R 590146000.00.000.00 0-063040/0/0R 590146000.00.000.00 0-063040/0/0R 590146000.00.000.00 0-063040/0/0R 590146000.00.000.00 0-063040/0/0R 590146000.00.000.00 0-063041/1/1C 0120.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-063040/0/0W 098233535700.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-063040/4/4L 00350.00.090.09 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-063040/3/3R 899824310.00.210.21 0-063041/4/4C 00270.20.130.13 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-063040/1049/1049W 002012770.06.096.09 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-063040/5/5W 00370.00.140.14 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b7063ca6f
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 18-Jan-2023 07:48:03 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 6 days 9 hours 28 minutes 44 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 3162 - Total Traffic: 13.6 MB - Total Duration: 569709 .00572 requests/sec - 25 B/second - 4512 B/request - 180.174 ms/request 4 requests currently being processed, 60 idle workers ___________________________________________________________WWW_C Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-059561/4/4C 014010.20.220.22 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-059561/5/5C 014190.20.200.20 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-059560/3/3W 004270.00.100.10 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-059560/5/5_ 5529124110.00.120.12 /OOO_VASHA_KROVLYA/e1cib/tempstorage/fa541c56-e60f-4a65-beb 0-059561/3147/3147C 005680510.212.9612.96 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b0b74cf9c
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 05-Jan-2023 20:25:43 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Sunday, 01-Jan-2023 21:12:10 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 23 hours 13 minutes 33 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 5 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 10 1.46e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 2 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________WWWWWWCWWCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-070920/0/0W 0209770149200.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-070920/0/0W 0209770149200.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-070920/0/0W 0209770149200.00.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-070920/0/0W 0209770149200.00.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-070920/0/0W 0209770149300.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-070920/0/0W 0209770149300.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-070921/1/1C 0130.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-070921/1/1C 0130.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-070920/0/0W 0220.00.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-070921/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-070921/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-070921/2/2C 0020.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b080df93a
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 18-Jan-2023 05:42:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:17 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 6 days 7 hours 23 minutes 2 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 13147 - Total Traffic: 31.6 MB - Total Duration: 923607 .0241 requests/sec - 60 B/second - 2521 B/request - 70.2523 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________RRCWRWCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-050000/0/0R 544978000.00.000.00 0-050000/0/0R 544978000.00.000.00 0-050001/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-050000/0/0W 0102750521700.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-050000/0/0R 544978000.00.000.00 0-050001/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-050001/5899/5899C 004340790.215.1215.12 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-050001/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-050001/4/4C 00260.20.080.08 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-050001/2482/2482C 001213380.04.844.84 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-050001/4488/4488C 002926580.210.7410.74 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-050001/272/272C 00755020.20.830.83 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b85ea0103
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 16-Jan-2023 10:21:47 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:16 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 4 days 12 hours 2 minutes 30 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 6974 - Total Traffic: 29.2 MB - Total Duration: 784373 .0179 requests/sec - 78 B/second - 4388 B/request - 112.471 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ___________________________________________________R_WCCCCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-047040/0/0R 388945000.00.000.00 0-047040/0/0W 0118353812800.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-047041/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-047041/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-047041/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-047041/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-047041/42/42C 0023870.20.440.44 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-047041/5/5C 01310.20.110.11 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-047041/2439/2439C 002851670.29.169.16 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-047041/6/6C 00530.00.260.26 / HTTP/1.1 0-047041/2131/2131C 012118360.08.358.35 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-047041/2347/2347C 002848910.210.8710.87 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bb9a51f53
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 16-Jan-2023 07:44:07 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 4 days 9 hours 24 minutes 46 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 6568 - Total Traffic: 14.4 MB - Total Duration: 539324 .0173 requests/sec - 39 B/second - 2303 B/request - 82.1139 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers C____________________________________________________WCCCCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-065321/1268/1268C 001126980.22.682.68 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-065320/0/0W 0119299827700.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-065321/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-065321/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-065321/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-065321/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-065321/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-065321/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-065321/1042/1042C 00254550.21.931.93 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-065321/2/2C 00110.20.090.09 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-065321/4248/4248C 004011470.29.699.69 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-065321/2/2C 0050.20.040.04 /.env HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b59ad5183
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Sunday, 15-Jan-2023 15:59:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 17 hours 40 minutes 1 second Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 668 - Total Traffic: 3.4 MB - Total Duration: 65991 .00207 requests/sec - 10 B/second - 5.2 kB/request - 98.7889 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers _____________C_______________________________________WWWWCCCCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-054041/656/656C 00659370.23.183.18 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-054041/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-054041/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-054040/0/0W 0124968561700.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-054041/1/1L 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-054041/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-054041/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-054041/1/1C 0110.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-054041/2/2C 0070.20.020.02 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-054041/2/2C 00130.00.020.02 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-054041/2/2C 0090.20.090.09 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-054041/3/3C 00160.00.060.06 / HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b22fa5028
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Saturday, 14-Jan-2023 20:42:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:17 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 2 days 22 hours 23 minutes 2 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 3658 - Total Traffic: 7.2 MB - Total Duration: 263624 .0144 requests/sec - 29 B/second - 2057 B/request - 72.0678 ms/request 11 requests currently being processed, 53 idle workers _____________________________________________________RRRWWCWCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-031840/0/0R 253379000.00.000.00 0-031840/0/0R 253379000.00.000.00 0-031840/0/0R 253379000.00.000.00 0-031840/0/0R 253379000.00.000.00 0-031840/0/0W 0000.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-031840/0/0W 0000.00.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-031841/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-031840/0/0W 0131910476500.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-031841/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-031841/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-031841/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-031841/3654/3654C 002636240.27.187.18 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bb09907f7
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 13-Jan-2023 17:10:52 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:19 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 18 hours 51 minutes 33 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 2 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 2 1.3e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 1 ms/request 5 requests currently being processed, 59 idle workers ___________________________________________________W____WWWR____ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-061200/0/0W 0141819254300.00.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-061201/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-061200/0/0W 0000.00.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-061200/0/0W 0141819254400.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-061200/0/0W 0141819254400.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-061200/2/2W 0020.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bc38ac835
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 13-Jan-2023 03:31:22 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:20 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 5 hours 12 minutes 1 second Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 3467 - Total Traffic: 7.2 MB - Total Duration: 207682 .033 requests/sec - 71 B/second - 2176 B/request - 59.9025 ms/request 7 requests currently being processed, 57 idle workers _____________________________________________________C____CWCCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-071641/897/897C 001012160.21.861.86 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-071641/1/1C 0010.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-071640/0/0W 0146736263400.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-071641/1359/1359C 00628600.03.203.20 / HTTP/1.1 0-071641/2/2C 00110.20.040.04 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-071641/2/2C 0070.20.090.09 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-071641/1206/1206C 00435840.21.991.99 /info.php HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bedfbdb5f
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Friday, 13-Jan-2023 00:47:16 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:17 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 2 hours 27 minutes 58 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 8 - Total Traffic: 1 kB - Total Duration: 13 8.4e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 128 B/request - 1.625 ms/request 10 requests currently being processed, 54 idle workers ______________________________________________WW____WCCC____CCCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-049840/0/0W 0147720920100.00.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-049840/0/0W 0147720920100.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-049840/0/0W 0147720920100.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-049841/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-049841/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-049841/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-049841/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-049841/1/1C 0110.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-049841/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-049841/2/2C 0030.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bb14dfc72
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Thursday, 12-Jan-2023 18:10:00 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:19:18 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 19 hours 50 minutes 42 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 348 - Total Traffic: 3.2 MB - Total Duration: 72533 .00487 requests/sec - 46 B/second - 9.4 kB/request - 208.428 ms/request 8 requests currently being processed, 56 idle workers ________________________________________________________RRLWCCWC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-056920/0/0W 0150104472900.00.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-056920/0/0W 0150104472900.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-056921/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-056921/2/2C 00170.20.020.02 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-056921/2/2C 00150.20.090.09 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-056921/3/3C 00170.20.050.05 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-056920/1/1W 00110.00.030.03 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-056921/341/341C 00724700.23.003.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b7c0eb6aa
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 05:06:58 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:32 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 13 hours 27 minutes 26 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 726 - Total Traffic: 4.9 MB - Total Duration: 113368 .00236 requests/sec - 16 B/second - 6.9 kB/request - 156.154 ms/request 6 requests currently being processed, 58 idle workers __________________________________________________________RWWWRC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-056040/0/0W 0163442646300.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-056040/1/1W 0050.00.090.09 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-056040/1/1W 0060.00.020.02 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-056040/2/2W 00130.00.070.07 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-056040/1/1W 00100.00.040.04 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-056041/721/721C 011133320.24.694.69 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b0dba049c
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 02:35:53 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:34 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 days 10 hours 56 minutes 18 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 231 - Total Traffic: 2.1 MB - Total Duration: 53619 .000774 requests/sec - 7 B/second - 9.2 kB/request - 232.117 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ____________________________________________________WWWCCCCCCCWC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-070560/0/0L 0110.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-070560/0/0W 0110.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-070561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-070561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-070561/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-070561/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-070561/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-070561/3/3C 00130.20.020.02 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-070561/2/2C 00180.20.090.09 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-070561/2/2C 00230.20.020.02 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-070560/2/2W 00200.00.060.06 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-070561/218/218C 00535340.21.891.89 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9bccc6a991
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2023 09:52:07 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:31 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 2 days 18 hours 12 minutes 36 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 22 - Total Traffic: 3 kB - Total Duration: 23 9.23e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 139 B/request - 1.04545 ms/request 9 requests currently being processed, 55 idle workers ________________________________________C_C____W_CC_____CCC____C Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-054161/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-054160/0/0W 0170371753800.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-054161/6/6C 0080.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-054161/9/9C 0060.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-054161/2/2C 0130.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b3e751662
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2023 04:44:14 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:32 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 2 days 13 hours 4 minutes 42 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 5 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 7 2.27e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 1.4 ms/request 5 requests currently being processed, 59 idle workers __________________W________C______________________________WC_C__ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-065841/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-065841/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-065840/0/0W 0172219045300.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-065841/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-065841/3/3C 0030.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b5d7a444e
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2023 01:00:00 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:32 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 2 days 9 hours 20 minutes 27 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 4 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 5 1.94e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - 1.25 ms/request 9 requests currently being processed, 55 idle workers _________________________C_W______CW___________R_____RRC_____W__ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-061081/1/1C 0010.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-061080/0/0L 0110.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-061081/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-061080/1/1W 0110.00.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-061080/0/0R 206423000.00.000.00 0-061080/0/0W 0173564529900.00.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 0-061080/0/0R 206423000.00.000.00 0-061081/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-061080/0/0W 0173564530000.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b6d7b2f30
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 09-Jan-2023 04:22:27 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:33 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 12 hours 42 minutes 54 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 217 - Total Traffic: 1.9 MB - Total Duration: 52887 .00164 requests/sec - 15 B/second - 9.1 kB/request - 243.719 ms/request 4 requests currently being processed, 60 idle workers ___________________________________________________C_______L_WW_ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-067401/212/212C 00528390.21.751.75 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-067401/2/2C 0090.20.020.02 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-067400/2/2W 00200.00.040.04 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-067400/1/1W 0070.00.090.09 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-067400/1/1_ 45178490.00.030.03 /ip_merkelova_zup/e1cib/tempstorage/5af2e790-a65b-4382-97f2 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b42f6467e
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 09-Jan-2023 02:53:07 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:31 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 11 hours 13 minutes 35 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 5 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 3 3.94e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - .6 ms/request 6 requests currently being processed, 58 idle workers ___________________________________________________WW____CCCC___ Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-052801/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-052800/0/0W 0181525835800.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-052801/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-052801/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-052801/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-052801/2/2C 0000.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
The server-status page (usually /server-status
) allows server administrators to find out how well their server is performing.
This is a HTML page that gives the current server statistics such as the server version, up time,cpu, ram, and information about requests made to the server.
This information can be very useful if the application is sent sensitive information as GET requests. If you monitor this page you might be able to find CSRF tokens, API keys, hidden paths, and other sensitive information being sent to the server.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9ba2d7b5df
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Monday, 09-Jan-2023 01:38:43 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 15:39:34 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 1 day 9 hours 59 minutes 9 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 3 - Total Traffic: 0 kB - Total Duration: 2 2.45e-5 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 0 B/request - .666667 ms/request 7 requests currently being processed, 57 idle workers _________________________________________________________WWWWWCC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-069560/0/0W 0181972181600.00.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-069560/0/0W 0000.00.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-069561/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /info.php HTTP/1.1 0-069560/0/0W 0181972181700.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-069560/0/0W 0181972181700.00.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-069561/1/1C 0110.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-069561/2/2C 0010.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: ee80c6706842d3ef6842d3ef6325bb316325bb31c0680e9bc0680e9b944e3496
Apache Status Apache Server Status for (via Server Version: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) Server MPM: WinNT Apache Lounge VS16 Server built: Aug 2 2020 10:21:32 Current Time: Saturday, 07-Jan-2023 12:10:44 RTZ 2 (ceia) Restart Time: Friday, 06-Jan-2023 20:21:46 RTZ 2 (ceia) Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 15 hours 48 minutes 58 seconds Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 Total accesses: 9 - Total Traffic: 1 kB - Total Duration: 14 .000158 requests/sec - 0 B/second - 113 B/request - 1.55556 ms/request 12 requests currently being processed, 52 idle workers ________________________________________RW____CWWW____CCCC____CC Scoreboard Key: "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request, "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup, "C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process SrvPIDAccMSSReqDurConnChildSlotClientProtocolVHostRequest 0-054160/0/0R 56936000.00.000.00 0-054161/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.git/config HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /s/834313e233e2630323e28383/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassia 0-054161/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /.vscode/sftp.json HTTP/1.1 0-054160/0/0W 0195460049400.00.000.00 /server-status HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0000.20.000.00 /telescope/requests HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0000.00.000.00 / HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0120.20.000.00 /ecp/Current/exporttool/ 0-054161/1/1C 0010.00.000.00 /?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/ HTTP/1.1 0-054161/1/1C 0010.20.000.00 /.env HTTP/1.1 0-054161/3/3C 0050.20.000.00 /debug/default/view?panel=config HTTP/1.1 SrvChild Server number - generation PIDOS process ID AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot MMode of operation SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests ConnKilobytes transferred this connection ChildMegabytes transferred this child SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot