Malicious users exploiting this vulnerability may be able to read and/or write information to shared directories.
This may also include IPC services and lead to remote code execution.
Severity: high
Fingerprint: 22420ce026fa767de22ea8c3df372350d4001392d4001392d4001392d4001392
Found open SMB shares with NT AUTHORITY/ANONYMOUS LOGON print$ IPC$
Open service
2024-12-22 01:00
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-12-20 00:36
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-12-18 01:50
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-12-17 20:36
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-12-15 21:53
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-12-13 21:49
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-12-11 23:53
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-12-01 23:47
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-11-29 21:52
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-11-27 22:01
SMB NTLMSSP handshake results: Found non-Windows 6.1 build 0
Open service
2024-11-20 15:58
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