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      Found on 2024-08-20 13:24
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      Found on 2024-08-01 05:28
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      Found on 2024-07-18 07:55
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      Found on 2024-07-12 08:38
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-30 21:32

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 21:32:50 GMT
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    Page title: 12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit
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    <title>12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit</title>
    <meta content="12/8, path, paths, brass bands, dancers, community spirit, pleasure, playing, mobility, inclusion, funny hats, happiness, joy, musicking, dancing, drumming, music, dance, community, children, spirit, path bands, Path Times, spirituality, pedagogy, poetry, paganism, green politics, species diversity, cultural diversity, movements, reclaiming, demonstrations,  performance, street music, horns, drums, festivals,  funk, second line, dixieland, swing, samba, salsa, conga, comparsa, partying, mobile, inclusive, grooving, communitas, social change, twelve step, eight fold path, rites, rituals, William Blake,  four fold vision,  call/response, biocentric, animism, solstice, Malcolm X, biocentric, strolling group, shuffle rhythms, praxis, step program, Gregory Bateson,  trumpets, trombones, sousaphone, saxophones, bass drum, snare drum, guiro, agogo, echology, ecology of mind, riffs, triune brain, equinox, full moon, wakes, processions, parades, picnics, weddings, participatory discrepancies, public domain, in the zone, flow, focus, libertarian, socialism, Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, Cultural Survival, Buffalo, Seattle, Boston, New York, paired instruments, self-determination, self-organization, cultural integrity, species integrity, Brazil, Cuba, New Orleans, dynamic pattern." name="Keywords" />
    <meta content="The 12/8 Path is a brass band movement for reclaiming the powers of music-dance performance for all people,  but especially children, in their communities" name="Description" />
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    <td width="537" height="92"><font face="'Arial Black',Arial,sans-serif">Want to be in a band for dancers that is mobile, inclusive and wears funny hats? Get on the 12/8 path..... </font></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
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    Found 2024-09-30 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-28 18:50

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    Page title: 12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit
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    <html xmlns="">
    <title>12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit</title>
    <meta content="12/8, path, paths, brass bands, dancers, community spirit, pleasure, playing, mobility, inclusion, funny hats, happiness, joy, musicking, dancing, drumming, music, dance, community, children, spirit, path bands, Path Times, spirituality, pedagogy, poetry, paganism, green politics, species diversity, cultural diversity, movements, reclaiming, demonstrations,  performance, street music, horns, drums, festivals,  funk, second line, dixieland, swing, samba, salsa, conga, comparsa, partying, mobile, inclusive, grooving, communitas, social change, twelve step, eight fold path, rites, rituals, William Blake,  four fold vision,  call/response, biocentric, animism, solstice, Malcolm X, biocentric, strolling group, shuffle rhythms, praxis, step program, Gregory Bateson,  trumpets, trombones, sousaphone, saxophones, bass drum, snare drum, guiro, agogo, echology, ecology of mind, riffs, triune brain, equinox, full moon, wakes, processions, parades, picnics, weddings, participatory discrepancies, public domain, in the zone, flow, focus, libertarian, socialism, Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, Cultural Survival, Buffalo, Seattle, Boston, New York, paired instruments, self-determination, self-organization, cultural integrity, species integrity, Brazil, Cuba, New Orleans, dynamic pattern." name="Keywords" />
    <meta content="The 12/8 Path is a brass band movement for reclaiming the powers of music-dance performance for all people,  but especially children, in their communities" name="Description" />
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    <td width="537" height="92"><font face="'Arial Black',Arial,sans-serif">Want to be in a band for dancers that is mobile, inclusive and wears funny hats? Get on the 12/8 path..... </font></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
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    Found 2024-09-28 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-26 19:23

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    Page title: 12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit
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    <html xmlns="">
    <title>12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit</title>
    <meta content="12/8, path, paths, brass bands, dancers, community spirit, pleasure, playing, mobility, inclusion, funny hats, happiness, joy, musicking, dancing, drumming, music, dance, community, children, spirit, path bands, Path Times, spirituality, pedagogy, poetry, paganism, green politics, species diversity, cultural diversity, movements, reclaiming, demonstrations,  performance, street music, horns, drums, festivals,  funk, second line, dixieland, swing, samba, salsa, conga, comparsa, partying, mobile, inclusive, grooving, communitas, social change, twelve step, eight fold path, rites, rituals, William Blake,  four fold vision,  call/response, biocentric, animism, solstice, Malcolm X, biocentric, strolling group, shuffle rhythms, praxis, step program, Gregory Bateson,  trumpets, trombones, sousaphone, saxophones, bass drum, snare drum, guiro, agogo, echology, ecology of mind, riffs, triune brain, equinox, full moon, wakes, processions, parades, picnics, weddings, participatory discrepancies, public domain, in the zone, flow, focus, libertarian, socialism, Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, Cultural Survival, Buffalo, Seattle, Boston, New York, paired instruments, self-determination, self-organization, cultural integrity, species integrity, Brazil, Cuba, New Orleans, dynamic pattern." name="Keywords" />
    <meta content="The 12/8 Path is a brass band movement for reclaiming the powers of music-dance performance for all people,  but especially children, in their communities" name="Description" />
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    <tr valign="center">
    <td width="537" height="92"><font face="'Arial Black',Arial,sans-serif">Want to be in a band for dancers that is mobile, inclusive and wears funny hats? Get on the 12/8 path..... </font></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
    <td width="50%">
    <table cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="0">
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    <td valign="top" width="28%" rowspan="
    Found 2024-09-26 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-24 11:23

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    Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 11:23:29 GMT
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    Page title: 12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit
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    <html xmlns="">
    <title>12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit</title>
    <meta content="12/8, path, paths, brass bands, dancers, community spirit, pleasure, playing, mobility, inclusion, funny hats, happiness, joy, musicking, dancing, drumming, music, dance, community, children, spirit, path bands, Path Times, spirituality, pedagogy, poetry, paganism, green politics, species diversity, cultural diversity, movements, reclaiming, demonstrations,  performance, street music, horns, drums, festivals,  funk, second line, dixieland, swing, samba, salsa, conga, comparsa, partying, mobile, inclusive, grooving, communitas, social change, twelve step, eight fold path, rites, rituals, William Blake,  four fold vision,  call/response, biocentric, animism, solstice, Malcolm X, biocentric, strolling group, shuffle rhythms, praxis, step program, Gregory Bateson,  trumpets, trombones, sousaphone, saxophones, bass drum, snare drum, guiro, agogo, echology, ecology of mind, riffs, triune brain, equinox, full moon, wakes, processions, parades, picnics, weddings, participatory discrepancies, public domain, in the zone, flow, focus, libertarian, socialism, Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, Cultural Survival, Buffalo, Seattle, Boston, New York, paired instruments, self-determination, self-organization, cultural integrity, species integrity, Brazil, Cuba, New Orleans, dynamic pattern." name="Keywords" />
    <meta content="The 12/8 Path is a brass band movement for reclaiming the powers of music-dance performance for all people,  but especially children, in their communities" name="Description" />
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    <table width="50%">
    <tr valign="center">
    <td width="537" height="92"><font face="'Arial Black',Arial,sans-serif">Want to be in a band for dancers that is mobile, inclusive and wears funny hats? Get on the 12/8 path..... </font></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
    <td width="50%">
    <table cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="0">
    <td valign="bottom" width="35%">
    <div align="right"><a href=""><img height="144" alt="Music Grooves Book Cover" width="88" border="0" src="MusicGrooves.jpg" /></a></div></td>
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    Found 2024-09-24 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-16 05:41

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    Page title: 12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit
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    <title>12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit</title>
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    <meta content="The 12/8 Path is a brass band movement for reclaiming the powers of music-dance performance for all people,  but especially children, in their communities" name="Description" />
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    <table width="50%">
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    <td width="537" height="92"><font face="'Arial Black',Arial,sans-serif">Want to be in a band for dancers that is mobile, inclusive and wears funny hats? Get on the 12/8 path..... </font></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
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    Found 2024-09-16 by HttpPlugin
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    2024-09-14 03:09

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    Page title: 12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit
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    <title>12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit</title>
    <meta content="12/8, path, paths, brass bands, dancers, community spirit, pleasure, playing, mobility, inclusion, funny hats, happiness, joy, musicking, dancing, drumming, music, dance, community, children, spirit, path bands, Path Times, spirituality, pedagogy, poetry, paganism, green politics, species diversity, cultural diversity, movements, reclaiming, demonstrations,  performance, street music, horns, drums, festivals,  funk, second line, dixieland, swing, samba, salsa, conga, comparsa, partying, mobile, inclusive, grooving, communitas, social change, twelve step, eight fold path, rites, rituals, William Blake,  four fold vision,  call/response, biocentric, animism, solstice, Malcolm X, biocentric, strolling group, shuffle rhythms, praxis, step program, Gregory Bateson,  trumpets, trombones, sousaphone, saxophones, bass drum, snare drum, guiro, agogo, echology, ecology of mind, riffs, triune brain, equinox, full moon, wakes, processions, parades, picnics, weddings, participatory discrepancies, public domain, in the zone, flow, focus, libertarian, socialism, Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, Cultural Survival, Buffalo, Seattle, Boston, New York, paired instruments, self-determination, self-organization, cultural integrity, species integrity, Brazil, Cuba, New Orleans, dynamic pattern." name="Keywords" />
    <meta content="The 12/8 Path is a brass band movement for reclaiming the powers of music-dance performance for all people,  but especially children, in their communities" name="Description" />
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    <tr valign="center">
    <td width="537" height="92"><font face="'Arial Black',Arial,sans-serif">Want to be in a band for dancers that is mobile, inclusive and wears funny hats? Get on the 12/8 path..... </font></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
    <td width="50%">
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    <div align="right"><a href=""><img height="144" alt="Music Grooves Book Cover" width="88" border="0" src="MusicGrooves.jpg" /></a></div></td>
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    Found 2024-09-14 by HttpPlugin
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    2024-09-08 03:42

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    Page title: 12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit
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    <html xmlns="">
    <title>12/8 PATH - Brass bands serving dancers and building community spirit</title>
    <meta content="12/8, path, paths, brass bands, dancers, community spirit, pleasure, playing, mobility, inclusion, funny hats, happiness, joy, musicking, dancing, drumming, music, dance, community, children, spirit, path bands, Path Times, spirituality, pedagogy, poetry, paganism, green politics, species diversity, cultural diversity, movements, reclaiming, demonstrations,  performance, street music, horns, drums, festivals,  funk, second line, dixieland, swing, samba, salsa, conga, comparsa, partying, mobile, inclusive, grooving, communitas, social change, twelve step, eight fold path, rites, rituals, William Blake,  four fold vision,  call/response, biocentric, animism, solstice, Malcolm X, biocentric, strolling group, shuffle rhythms, praxis, step program, Gregory Bateson,  trumpets, trombones, sousaphone, saxophones, bass drum, snare drum, guiro, agogo, echology, ecology of mind, riffs, triune brain, equinox, full moon, wakes, processions, parades, picnics, weddings, participatory discrepancies, public domain, in the zone, flow, focus, libertarian, socialism, Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, Cultural Survival, Buffalo, Seattle, Boston, New York, paired instruments, self-determination, self-organization, cultural integrity, species integrity, Brazil, Cuba, New Orleans, dynamic pattern." name="Keywords" />
    <meta content="The 12/8 Path is a brass band movement for reclaiming the powers of music-dance performance for all people,  but especially children, in their communities" name="Description" />
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    <td width="25%">
    <table width="50%">
    <tr valign="center">
    <td width="537" height="92"><font face="'Arial Black',Arial,sans-serif">Want to be in a band for dancers that is mobile, inclusive and wears funny hats? Get on the 12/8 path..... </font></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
    <td width="50%">
    <table cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="0">
    <td valign="bottom" width="35%">
    <div align="right"><a href=""><img height="144" alt="Music Grooves Book Cover" width="88" border="0" src="MusicGrooves.jpg" /></a></div></td>
    <td valign="top" width="28%" rowspan="
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